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Book: Bounders by Monica Tesler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Monica Tesler
mess hall.
    Screams and applause echo through the room. Even Florine squeals. Maybe that’s why she bonded with Lucy. They both shriek for Sheek.
    â€œIt is very exciting, I know,” Florine says. “Our aeronauts are the true face of Earth Force.” She beams at Sheek. “I mean, will you look at that face?”
    More shrieks. I catch Marco’s eyes across the room. He shakes his head in disgust.
    â€œOkay, now breathe,” Florine says. “Let’s review, Bounders. Your Earth Force tour of duty lasts six weeks. It will end with a field trip to the Paleo Planet. We expect you to be great ambassadors for our tourism program starting this summer. And of course, you’ll need to be on your best behavior, because EFAN might just be filming during the field trip.”
    More squeals. Lots of clapping. My head is going to explode.
    â€œPay attention, puh- leeeze ,” Florine continues. “Here at the EarthBound Academy, some of your classes will be full-attendance lectures, others will be in small groups, and—you’ve probably heard this already—some of your learning will be in pods.” She raises Sheek’s hand in the air and shakes it. “Yes, that’s right! You’ll be assigned a pod just like the real quantum aeronauts!”
    Florine keeps talking, but I only half listen. She describes the teaching format. Every day we’ll have a full Academy lecture taught by one of the quantum aeronauts or a special guest. Ridders is teaching a Technology class. Malaina Suarez is teaching Subsistence. All the bounding instruction will take place in pods.
    I scan the aeronauts at the back of the mess hall. Which one will lead my pod?
    One thing that really stinks is that Bad Breath, whose name we learn is Chief Auxiliary Officer Wade Johnson, is teaching Mobility. At least it’s only one class. And it doesn’t sound like a very important one. I mean, how much can we possibly need to learn about being mobile?
    â€œLater this week I’ll give you details about the pod competition. . . .” Florine says.
    Competition? Now that will be interesting.
    â€œBut let’s not waste another minute. Pod assignments!”
    The cadets clap. Lucy winks at me and raises her hand to show her crossed fingers. I don’t want anyone to see, so I cross my fingers under the table.
    â€œThis is how we’ll proceed,” Florine says. “I’ll introduce these fine aeronauts”—pause to flash her toothy smile at Sheek—“and then they’ll read off which five of you have been assigned to his or her pod. There will be twenty-six pods in total, twenty-five led by aeronauts and one led by a . . . civilian.” She spits out the word civilian like it tastes bad. “Once you’re called, you can leave with your instructor to go find your special pod room. First up, Captain Malaina Suarez.”
    Yet more clapping as Malaina Suarez, the officer we met last night at the chutes, steps next to Florine. Her dark brown hair is cut short, and she looks like she could pummel Florine—or any of us—at a whim.
    â€œCaptain Suarez is our newest aeronaut,” Florine reads from a tablet. “She hails from the mountain region in Amazonas. She received several advanced degrees from the Combined Ivies University in Americana East before being directly recruited into the Earth Force quantum aeronaut officer training protocol. In the fall, she’ll be featured in her first prime-time EFAN documentary, which will focus on her research into off-planet food production. . . .”
    Suarez places her hand on Florine’s forearm. “I’m sure that’s enough on the bio. They’ll learn plenty about off-planet food production in my Subsistence class.”
    â€œVery well,” Florine says, clearly irked by the interruption. “Read the names for your pod.”
    â€œOkay. If I call your

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