The Neighbor's Son 2: Mind Games (The Forbidden Love Series Book 2)
chest, and started massaging it with both
    “ Oh. T hat feels good,” I moaned, closing my eyes and throwing my
head back. Was there anything that man couldn’t do well with those
hands? When I opened my eyes, I found Cade staring at me with that
self-satisfied, smug look on his face that drove me crazy. I drew
in a deep breath and let it out slowly. “You’re a college student,
right?" I asked. He nodded. "What are you going to school
    Cade shrugged. “Right now, I’m a business
administration major.”
    “ You don’t sound too thrilled about it. Why?”
    “ I have no interest in
finance. As a matter of fact, I hate it.”
    “ Why are you majoring in it
    “ I don’t
know . Before my dad died, I promised him
I’d go to school and study something I could make money from. So
when I enrolled in college, I picked the major I thought could get
me a good paying job after graduation.”
    “ But you’re hating
    “ Yes. Every second of
    “ What do you really want to
    “ I don’t know. When I was a
younger, I was always taking pictures of things, making little
movies on my phone. I think it’d be cool to go to filmmaking
    “ So why don’t
    “ I don’t know. What if I suck at it? What if I can’t make a living
from it after I graduate?”
    “ You need to follow your heart, Cade and do what you love.
Otherwise, you’re going to be unhappy your whole life wondering
what might've been.”
    “ Are you speaking from
    “ Yes…S ort of. I love teaching. I don’t regret becoming a teacher.
What I regret is all the time I wasted before I could actually
become one.” I let out a soft moan. His hands were doing some
magical things to the bottom of my foot.
    “ Wh at do you mean?” Cade asked.
    “ When my ex and I got
married, I was still in college. After I graduated, he said he
didn’t want me to work. He wanted me to be his little trophy wife
and stay home. For fourteen years, I did everything he told me to
do, dressed like he wanted me to dress, associated only with the
peopl e he wanted me to associate with. He
didn’t care about my dreams or aspirations. I was nothing but a
possession to him. To this date, I still don’t understand why I let
him control my life and disrespect me so much. That’s my big
regret, Cade. The fact that I waited fourteen years to wake up and
start my teaching career. I chose safety and comfort over pursuing
my dreams. Don’t make the same mistake I made.”
    “ I’m so sorry, Sidney. I
had no idea just how much of a piece of garbage your ex
    A bitter chuckle fell from my lips. “Oh Cade. You don’t know the
half of it.”
    “ Has he been back? Has he
bothered you again ? If he has, I’m going
to go find him and kick his ass.”
    “ Don’t worry about him. He
hasn’t bothered me since that night.” I could see it in Cade’s face
that he was serious. The thought of Cade getting in trouble over me
filled me with worry and I didn’t want to feel worry or dread that
night. I wanted to enjoy the moment and not think about Peter. “You
know what? I don’t want to talk about him anymore. Can we talk
about something else?”
    “ Okay. Let’s not talk about
that coked up asshole anymore. What about the other
    “ Kevin? What about
    “ Are you going to break up
with him?”
    “ I am. I just haven’t had a
chance to do it yet.”
    “ Good. The sooner you do it
the better. The thought of him touching you, kissing
you , turns my stomach and makes me want to
punch him in the face.”
    “ I know. By the way, what
you did at your mother’s party was not funny.”
    “ What did I
do? " he smirked with his tongue firmly
planted in his cheek. "I don't know what you're talking
    I shook my head and narrowed my eyes at him. “Don’t play dumb,
Cade. You know exactly what I’m talking about. The whole talking to
him and pretending to be his

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