FURY: A Rio Games Romance

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Book: FURY: A Rio Games Romance by Alison Ryan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alison Ryan
tuning out the world around her for a while, focusing on what lay ahead. She had another home game coming up and this time she needed to make sure she was in the right head space to compete.
    But a funny thing happened. As she ran she could feel someone running up beside her. In her peripheral vision a tall figure keeping her pace and then suddenly actually going past her.
    This was not normal. No one could outrun Logan Lowery.
    She sped up, intent on being the pack leader. It was just in her nature. Logan didn’t follow anyone.
    But he (the person was definitely a he) met her pace again and ran so far in front of her that she gasped, suddenly slowing down.
    She could seem him well now. He was tan, tall, and… hot. Really hot. But also annoying because… well, she didn’t like someone outrunning her. On or off the field.
    “Hey, sorry,” he spoke. His voice was deep with just the hint of an accent to it. “I see you running all the time and I’m always impressed you keep up that pace. It’s most people’s sprint.”
    She rolled her eyes, but she had to admit she liked the compliment. “Yeah? Well, that wasn’t even me going with all four cylinders.”
    “Oh yeah?” the hot guy said, a very sexy smirk going across his lips. “You can go faster?”
    For some reason him asking that question made it sound like some sort of sexual innuendo. Her face flushed.
    “Can you?” she quipped back. She was looking right at him now. He was shirtless, his broad shoulders and pectorals glistening with sweat on his golden skin. He had longish dark hair that fell in his face. And his face… Well. Handsome wasn’t even the word.
    He was beautiful.
    “Maybe,” he replied. “If I’m motivated enough.”
    They were both still slightly panting, something else that seemed really sexual at the moment. Logan was blown away by the tension with this… stranger.
    “What’s your name?” Logan boldly asked, never the shy one.
    “Solomon,” he said.
    She waited for him to ask for hers, but he didn’t.
    “I’m Logan,” she offered.
    “I know,” he smiled at her again. “Logan Lowery. X’s star soccer powerhouse.”
    Logan blushed. Her heart was racing. So he knew who she was.
    “I don’t know about that,” Logan modestly replied. “I’m just a rookie for the most part.”
    “You don’t play like one,” he said.
    “You’ve seen me play?” Logan said, surprised. “Do you play?”
    Solomon laughed, shaking his head. “No, definitely not. I tried when I was younger. Wasn’t for me.”
    Logan stared at him. He had to be an athlete of some kind. It was imprinted all over his perfect body.
    “What sport then?” she asked. “Track?”
    Solomon shook his head. “Nope.”
    She raised an eyebrow waiting for him to tell her but he just smirked at her, something that drove her crazy. But something that also turned her on.
    “Too short.”
    But he wasn’t short. He towered above her and she was almost 5’10. She would have guessed he was close to 6’3.
    “Well, tell me, Solomon,” she said his name for the first time. “Who are you?”
    “I’m a judoka,” he replied, suddenly more solemn.
    “Judo?” Logan said. “I didn’t know X had judo.”
    Solomon looked down at his feet. “They have a judo club. My uncle sponsors it. But I compete nationally and internationally…” He seemed like he didn’t want to talk about it. Logan wondered why.
    “That’s amazing,” she said, genuinely. “Where do you train?”
    He looked up at her, the light back in his eyes again, a smile on his face. “At Sensei Shinji’s dojo. Its right off campus.”
    They started walking as he spoke. Their bodies were close enough that their arms kept brushing against one another, making Logan almost jump at every touch.
    She’d never in her life felt like this around any man.
    “I’ve never met a judo champion,” she said.
    “I’m not a champion

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