Rogue Diamond

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Book: Rogue Diamond by Mary Tate Engels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mary Tate Engels
the ground. What will happen to those programs out in the field?" Alarm clouded Alex's eyes as she thought of the two remote villages that de pended on the Univer si ty's as si stance in running their child development programs.
    "I don't know what will happen. I don't even know if it's entirely true. As I said, it's a rumor. And you know how scuttlebutt flies among the staff just before budget time."
    Alex had been so preoccupied during the last few days, s he had forgotten everything con nected to the Univer si ty: the grumbling faculty, the talk of a strike, her tenuous po si tion as an exchange profe ssor. Her thoughts had been riv eted to the accident and finding Jenni. This new turn of events could affect everything, including her search for her godchild.
    "If they're cutting human services, who's the favored department?" Alex caught a glimmer in Rosemary's eyes. "Agriculture?"
    Rosemary pu shed a wisp of brunette hair be hind her ear. "Believe me, it has not made for the most pleasant home life. Realistically, though, I know how desperately that department needs to be upgraded. Why, two years ago, Sam presented a proposal to the department head. It's taken that long for action, Alex. Now it looks like they're going to supply the money he needs for more modern equipment and trained staff. They've got to catch up with the twent y-first cen tury in agriculture. All of that takes money, lots of it, and the Univer si ty has only so much to spend."
    "Sounds like you've been properly brain washed. I understand about budgets, Rosemary. I'm just thinking about how all of this effects me." Alex si ghed. "I'll be the first to go."
    "Well, I'll be soon after you. I don't have that much tenure eithe r. And I, too, am a norteameri cana." Rosemary motioned to the waiter for more coffee.
    "How can they do this? People, not plants or equipment, are involved in our programs. They're importa nt to the future of Mexico. Peo ple—children—are the hope of the future . Not some damn machines . "
    Rosemary shook her head. "I can't agree with you more, Alex. But some things are out of our control."
    "Can't we do something?"
    "The department heads are meeting with the pre si dent and board of regents at the end of this week. We'll know more after that."
    Alex paused as the waiter refilled their cups. "Then final deci si ons haven't been made?"
    "No. That'll be done in a few weeks, when the proposed budget is presented and discussed. De partment head s will be consulted and counter proposals submitted."
    Alex lifted her chin. "Counter proposals?"
    Rosemary seemed to have the same idea that flashed in Alex's mind. "Yes, objections can be submitted. They may not carry much influence, but it's a chance to state your department's needs and how the new budget will affect it."
    "A chance is better than nothing!" Alex said eagerly. "Wh y don't we work on a counter pro posal, Rosemary?"
    "Well . . ."
    "Come on." Alex nodded enthu si astically. "Our jobs are at stake here, not to mention the programs out in the field. The kids need them so much. We've got nothing to lose. This is our only chance, our fighting chance to present some thing to the board, something that shows our belief in the worthiness of our program."
    Rosemary nodded, her enthu si asm not equal to Alex's, but she was agreeable to the idea. "We probably should do something."
    "Okay, it's settled. Each of us should make a rough plan and meet again tomorrow to discuss it. We'll combin e our ideas and write a counter proposal."
    When they par ted, Alex wore a smile of deter mination on her lips. Rosemary's expres si on wasn't quite so resolute.
    Later that afternoon Alex's determination had dwindled somewhat, replaced by a look of urgency when she barged into Nick's ramshackle office. "We have to find her, and fast, Nick. If my job is eliminated, I'll be forced to return to the States. And I refuse to leave without—"
    Alex stopped when she saw the shapely dark- haired woman si tting on

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