The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2)

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Book: The Kartoss Gambit (The Way of the Shaman: Book #2) by Vasily Mahanenko Read Free Book Online
Authors: Vasily Mahanenko
Tags: Science-Fiction, adventure, Science Fiction & Fantasy, cyberpunk
acquired a third heart-shaped buff: 'Flirting'. A couple of moments later all three buffs merged into one big heart: 'Love'. So there you have it. At least someone loves me in this game. Turning around to his rival, the goblin shouted:
    'Gawe to heel, you spawn of a sklix. Zis wommun iz mine!'
    'Fir wommun laik zis I keen dips yoor mugs in da dungs! I wunt her too!' shouted the second. I had no time to be surprised before I saw a message:
    Attention! A member of the Kartoss Dark Empire has fallen in love with you! To make it possible for the lovers to understand each other the game administration grants you the opportunity to understand and speak the language of dark goblins. Have a pleasant game!
    You have learned a new language: 'Dark Goblin'.
    Achievement earned!
    'Romeo and Juliet' level 1 (19 seductions of the members of the Dark Empire until the next level).
    Achievement reward: the chance that you can get a member of the Dark Empire to fall in love with you is increased by 1%.
    You can look at the list of achievements in the character settings.
    Bloody hell! I've always dreamt of such an important and almost unattainable achievement. Now the main thing was not to let anyone know that I had it. Generally, learning the language of the Dark Empire is not that hard — you just have to go to the library and spend a couple of months there, studying texts and speaking with a Guardian. When the time comes the Guardian would offer you a book and teach you one of the hundred languages of our continent. Any one you'd like — from the widespread orcish to the rare language of the kobolds. But I had no idea that you could gain a language through such a 'gift'.
    The goblins started to squabble about which of them was the better match for me. They had already switched from words to fists when my wolf attack force arrived. The fight was short, but unusual. The wolves tore into the goblins, but the latter didn't even try to put up a fight. With huge, tear-filled eyes they looked at me as her who betrayed all their hopes.... Err... I mean him, rather! They can go to hell! Now I'm the one getting confused.
    Experience gained: +400 Experience; points remaining until next level: 351.
    From each goblin I got two gold and a pair of worn trousers. They had neither weapons nor potions. Well, never mind. The main thing was that we've found a harmless enough way of defeating the goblins. And if I had to sway some hips and batter some eyelashes – once again I say that if there were no witnesses, it never happened. These thoughts were going through my head as I went for the next group of 'Romeos'...
    The wolves were clearly up to something. Until I hit the goblin with the Mallet, not one of those mongrels attacked the pair that was hurrying after me. What was the point of leaving them in an ambush? Just so they can snigger and watch me chased by a crowd of admirers? In any case, it was finished now — all the four towers were free, the gates were open and only the ten or so workers, the warrior and the commander remained. I was wary of the last two. The warrior would have a boosted Strength stat, but the boss was an unknown. He might even turn out to be a wizard. I had to be careful.
    Thanks to the 'Romeos' I raised myself up to level fifteen, but decided against allocating the free stat points. The higher a particular stat was, the harder it was to level it up in a normal way. No, I can wait it out and not spend them until I absolutely have to.
    By the way, since we're talking about stats, I decided to get to the bottom of what bonuses Endurance gave me. It was good that it reduced the level of pain I felt, but by the looks of it Endurance also had to reduce the amount of damage I sustained. However, not a single message that came up said anything about damage being reduced in any way on account of Endurance. Did it have to be activated in some way then? What did the help section say?
    Endurance determines a player's

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