7: Enemies and Shadows

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Book: 7: Enemies and Shadows by Ginn Hale Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ginn Hale
attempted assassination at the Bell Dance. Just these three could send the gaun’im packing.”
    “If they got to the rest of the gaun’im,” Jath’ibaye replied.
    “Joulen swore that they would,” Hirran insisted.
    “Yes, but Joulen’s authority comes from his uncle, Nivoun,” Jath’ibaye said.
    “Nivoun can’t object to these papers. They’re from his own house. Even he will have to—”
    “Not if he is also in league with Fikiri,” Jath’ibaye snapped. Kahlil felt a jolt at the thought of that.
    “What do you mean?” Hirran looked startled.
    “Here.” Jath’ibaye picked up one of the pages and handed it to Hirran. Frowning intently, she scanned the page.
    “It says nothing of Nivoun here,” Hirran said.
    “The agent didn’t recognize him well enough to name him,” Jath’ibaye replied.
    “But you do?” Hirran demanded.
    “I know things that the agent didn’t. He reports here that Ourath thanked a hidden man for the Tah’iss texts. Ourath got those books from Nivoun Bousim. He told me so himself. The hidden member of the group, the man who introduced the others to Fikiri, is Nivoun.” Jath’ibaye scowled. “I should have realized that Fikiri would have sought out an ally here in the north as well as in Nurjima.”
    “So what if Nivoun is involved?” Hirran asked suddenly. “I say we give the evidence to Joulen and—”
    “And then he will present it to his uncle, Nivoun, who will either dismiss it as rubbish or see to it that Joulen has an unpleasant accident.” Jath’ibaye collected several pages and straightened them.
    “What if we tell Joulen that his uncle is involved?” Hirran asked.
    “And what would Joulen do then?” Jath’ibaye asked. “Even if he believed us, Joulen wouldn’t have the authority to take action. He can’t bring charges against Ourath without Nivoun’s authority. How is he supposed to start legal proceedings without Nivoun?”
    Hirran sagged visibly. Kahlil watched the northern sky illuminate with sheets of lightning. Jath’ibaye was as frustrated as Hirran. Kahlil frowned out at the storm. They had been so close to success.
    “What if we took these reports to another of the gaun houses?” Hirran asked.
    “You think they’d just accept evidence presented to them by their Fai’daum enemies?” Jath’ibaye asked.
    “They could confirm the authenticity…” Hirran trailed off as she realized whom they would turn to for confirmation of the authenticity of any document from the Bousim house. Nivoun Bousim.
    “If we had more time…” Jath’ibaye began but didn’t bother to go on. They didn’t have more time. They only had a few days. “I’m sorry, Hirran.”
    Hirran bowed her head into her hands and Kahlil thought that she might be crying. He looked back out at the churning storm clouds while Hirran wiped her face and then straightened.
    “What about Ji?” Hirran asked. “Has she had any luck?”
    “Some,” Jath’ibaye said, but he didn’t sound hopeful.
    Kahlil scowled at the white pages that littered the table. He had been so pleased with himself when he had brought them back. The ease of obtaining them had overjoyed him. It had filled him with a giddy optimism, an almost childlike sense that the world was on his side. Everything would be all right.
     Kahlil silently cursed Nivoun. He hardly knew the man, but at this moment Kahlil hated him with a passion. He wished he could just kill Nivoun and remove this obstacle. But that would ensure a war. If only Nivoun would just drop dead on his own. If only he and Ourath would both fall into a pit and break their necks. Then no one could blame Jath’ibaye for the deaths.
    Kahlil paused for a moment to think, not just fantasize. What if he could arrange for Nivoun and Ourath to remove each other? Then these reports might still be put to use. There would have to be more evidence. He would need a weapon that couldn’t be traced back to Vundomu. Already, Kahlil’s thoughts worked over the

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