OMEGA Guardian

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Book: OMEGA Guardian by Stephen Arseneault Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stephen Arseneault
Tags: Sci Fi & Fantasy
to beat."
    Malcom stood and climbed aboard his ship. "Roger, is that thruster finished? If so, I think I’m going for a ride. I think better when I’m out there."
    Roger replied with a grin, "It’s fixed, as far as you know."
    Gerald laughed as Malcom pulled the hatch shut.
    I returned to the Mabel and raised Garrett on the comm. "Hey, I need a favor. Malcom Barber is about to leave the station. I need you to shadow him if possible. I want to know if he meets up with anyone."
    Garrett replied, "I could do that. The sensors on this ship extend much farther out than the sensors on his. I should be able to stay safely just outside of his sensor field."
    I smiled. "Just keep in mind, if he is meeting up with someone else, they may be better equipped. We just had a long discussion about some very serious topics. I don’t want him playing the spoiler for any plans we are trying to put together before we have a chance to flesh them out. I’ll fill you in on what we came up with as you go."
    I sat in the cockpit of the Mabel as Garrett Rourke moved the Jess out of Bay-12. Malcom piloted his ship to the Arithi colony, where he parked it in high orbit. No attempt was made to visit the planet, nor was there any detectible comm broadcasts. It appeared as though Malcom Barber was doing exactly as he said, sitting and thinking. The Arithi colony sat on a large island in the middle of the single ocean that covered 95 percent of the planet. It was indeed a place where one could go to search their thoughts.
    I moved up to level 1 for a meeting with the new Governor to discuss our potential plan. "I think there is an ample supply of prisoners. We could even start it as a voluntary program where time in the labor program is counted as double time toward their sentences."
    Cal replied, "Who would trade time in a cushy prison for hard labor?"
    I laughed. "I don't think the prisons on most of these colonies are all that cushy, Governor. A quick look at the stats that are available suggests you have a high chance of being maimed or killed while incarcerated. The colonies use that harsh environment as a deterrent to conducting criminal acts. On the surface at least, this looks like a win win win. We win by eliminating slavery in this sector. The slavers win by going legit. And the colonies win by greatly reducing their prison populations.
    "Let’s face it, most of those being kidnapped for slavery are being sent to work camps for mining. For a few hundred credits you could buy a prison laborer that will produce a thousand times that amount for you over the course of a few years. All you have to do is feed them. You could also consider it a win for the mine owners as well. They would no longer have to operate in the shadows."
    Cal rocked back in his high-backed chair. "The idea is intriguing. In one negotiation, we could be rid of the biggest threat to this sector. Instead of colonists leaving, they might actually flock here. This might even end up as a model for the whole alliance. I will commit a team to putting together a plan for this, Mr. Beutcher."
    Cal looked up at his ceiling. "Imagine, Mr. Beutcher, what if the Omega sector became a wealthy sector like Alpha!"
    I laughed. "I think you are getting a little ahead of the game, Governor. You might be able to drastically improve the standard of living for most out here, but as far as becoming wealthy? I don’t think Omega has the resources necessary to accomplish such a task. Let’s try to focus on getting a deal put together for the slavers. If we can end this abomination without shedding blood, it would be a huge accomplishment unto itself."
    In the week that followed, the Governor formed up the beginnings of a plan. I was sent out to the four largest colonies as a liaison to feel out the Governors for the level of cooperation they might provide. The four Governors were the only leaders Cal Hoog had spoken with since taking office. Each was elated with the prospect of eliminating the

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