Destiny Strikes

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Book: Destiny Strikes by Theresa Flowers-Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Theresa Flowers-Lee
“She’s going to be a might lonely over there, all by herself. From what I’ve heard from Daniel over at the new ABC store, she’s nearly cleaned out one whole shelf of alcohol, all by her lonesome. I don’t know how a tiny thing like her can consume that much.”
    “Have you guy’s noticed the crazy weather we’ve had lately?” Henry commented, turning the conversation. “I’ve never seen so much lightning in my life. They sent someone from the United States Air Force Atmospheric Research Center, a Dr. Elizabeth Laconia. She came all the way from Colorado Springs to study the oddity.”
    “I hadn’t heard that,” Travis replied with real surprise.
    Joe chimed in, wanting to get back to Fallon. “But you did pull that beauty over though, right? I don’t know how she’s coping with that motorcycle of hers though. Those gravel roads are going to be hell on her tires and paint job.”
    “Did she say why she moved here, and will she be hanging about long?” Jacob asked.
    Travis knew the request for information had nothing to do with him and everything to do with genuine interest.
    “No, she didn’t mention that,” he answered honestly.
    “Did you get her name?” Cletus asked. “Maybe she has kin around here.”
    Rumor had it Cletus’s bossy wife would not let him complete a sentence.
    Travis knew if he did not leave now the questions would just keep coming. Fallon was the topic they wanted to discuss, but knew he’d have to give up some information so they could concentrate on something else. “Her name is Fallon Strikes, and that’s all I know for sure about her.” Then, looking each man in the eye, he asked, “Did any of you know about Barbara’s plans for me?”
    Each man ducked his head in shame.
    Henry spoke for them all as he stated, “We’re sorry, Travis. Yeah. The poor things had designs on you well before this Fallon woman showed up. It’s sad how she ended up. No one in town can understand this happening to her.”
    “Don’t worry, fellows, I’ll find out who did this and see them brought to justice. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I have to get to work.”
    Properly forgiven, Cletus said, “I heard from the mechanic down at PO Boys’ towing yesterday. He’d picked up your squad car. That car of yours wasn’t more than two years old.”
    “It was the strangest thing,” Travis said, pushing his chair under the table. “The entire electrical system was fried. So, you’ll be seeing a lot of the old squad car until mine is fixed.”
    Travis headed to his car, but Donna's voice stopped him.
    “Hey, Travis, could you hold up a minute?” she asked as she walked swiftly across the tiny parking lot.
    Donna was in her late-sixties. The silver lining her hair accentuated her wizened face. Her beauty, despite time, revealed the heartbreaker she must have been in her hey-day.
    “What can I do for you, Donna?” he asked. She was a mother hen to everyone, and her concern for him was equally endearing. Because of her kindness, Travis had never missed a meal.
    “Did the guys happen to mention that fellow who moved here a few months back?” she asked. “When he first showed up in town, I believed he was a social worker.” Shaking her head, she continued. “Asking all those questions about Dennis, and had we ever met his dad. Then he up and left, in the middle of the night, right before this new woman came to town.”
    Travis tilted his head in thought. “No, I never got to meet him.”
    “If you don’t know him, you ought to know the place. They put that new mobile home over on Union Road, right where the bridge got redone last month, and a little way up from the Crisco’s land.”
    He wondered why she thought this information would be significant to him. “Is there anything important you want me to know about him? Does this have anything to do with Barbara? Or, do you want me to check into his skipping town?”
    “No, Travis, it’s nothing like that, I hope. Anyway,

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