Breaking the Rules

Free Breaking the Rules by Melinda Dozier

Book: Breaking the Rules by Melinda Dozier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Melinda Dozier
Tags: Romance, Contemporary
out.” He couldn’t think while he played next to this woman. He needed a beer, but he couldn’t have one since he was on call. Damn it! Swishing his hand through his hair, he looked at his brother, who smirked at him. Damn it, again. His brother knew what he was thinking.
    â€œAnd that’s how you do it, boys.” Hope laid out her cards and he couldn’t believe it — a full house.
    â€œHow the hell?” Scott asked.
    Tim sat forward. “No freakin’ way!”
    Colin only laughed. She knew what she was doing all right. “Soxy does it again.”
    â€œSoxy?” Scott asked as he picked up all the cards and Hope pulled in all the money.
    â€œWell, gents, it was nice doing business with you, but I need a drink. Anyone else need one?” She stood and all hands went up except Colin’s.
    She looked at him. “I’ll take a Coke. I’m on call.”
    â€œWhere’s those nachos, baby?” Tim hollered past her.
    Kelly yelled back, “Stop ordering me around. I’m working on the chili.”
    Scott pointed toward Hope, who was at the refrigerator. “She’s a smart cookie. I highly approve.”
    â€œWell, now that I have your approval, I’ll jump her.” Colin leaned back with his hands behind his head.
    â€œNah, really, bro. Go for it.”
    â€œI already told you, it’s not going to happen.” He shut his mouth as Hope came over with two bottlenecks and a can of Coke.
    â€œLet me open these for you.” She handed the bottles over to the other men and then leaned in front of Colin giving him an eyeful of her chest.
    Colin cleared his throat and looked away, though it took all his effort to keep his eyes from taking in the view. “You don’t have to.”
    Hope smiled. “Don’t worry. I got it.”
    As she opened the can, it spewed all over Colin, from head to chest. Behind Hope’s squeals, he rubbed his face. Finally, once the bubbles dwindled down, Colin laughed so hard, his side hurt.
    â€œNot again!” Hope tried to clean his face with the napkins at the table.
    Tim and Scott looked at each other, between their own laughs.
    Kelly threw a kitchen towel over the bar. “Here.”
    â€œLet me just get your shirt. Wait, don’t move.” Hope blabbered on, so Colin grabbed her wrist to stop her, and she stared down at him.
    Kelly yelled, “There’s some more towels and clean shirts in the laundry room past the garage. Help yourself.”
    Colin stood up, still with Hope’s wrist in his hand. “Want to help me out?”
    She looked around the table and jiggled her necklace around. “Um, yeah.” She grabbed the towel and walked with Colin to the laundry area.
    Once the door closed, she stopped in front of the washer where towels and shirts were stacked. “I’m so sorry, Colin. Klutz is my middle name.”
    She turned around and stopped talking as Colin removed his wet shirt. Leaning over her, he found a towel and rubbed his chest. “No problem, I guess it’s payback from Luigi’s the other night.”
    When she didn’t answer, he looked into her face. Her eyes darkened and he moaned to himself. To hell with just friends. She wanted it, and he wanted it. So, they were going to have it. He stepped toward her and that was all it took to have her backed up against the washer. He placed his arms around her, resting them on the machine behind her.
    Hope bit her lip and looked up from his chest to his face, nodding her head. “We shouldn’t — ”
    Colin lifted a hand and fingered her cheek. “You’re so goddamn beautiful.”
    Hope’s eyes widened. “You are, too.”
    He felt that flitter in his stomach again. Since when did that happen? He bent forward and kissed her lips once. Enough to show her what she’d miss, and enough to let her say no, if she really meant it.
    â€œI don’t think

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