Hopscotch Homicide (Zoe Donovan Mystery Book 16)

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Book: Hopscotch Homicide (Zoe Donovan Mystery Book 16) by Kathi Daley Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kathi Daley
know. Now that I’m a soccer mom I guess I’ll have to put sleuthing on the back burner. Still, I’d like to get this one solved if I can.”
    “I saw Virginia Wilson at the Hut,” Ellie added. “She came in for lunch with a few of her friends. She seems to think you’ve agreed to be chair of the PTA fund-raising committee.”
    “What? I never agreed to that. In fact, I didn’t actually agree to attend the meeting. I said I’d try to come, but that isn’t a promise, and I certainly never agreed to chair a committee.”
    “You know Virginia.” Ellie shook her head. “She has a tendency to steamroll over people to get what she wants. Don’t be surprised if she hasn’t already announced to the others that you’re on board.”
    “How do I get myself into these things?”
    “You were just in the right place at the right time.”
    “More like the wrong place at the wrong time,” I grumbled. “I’ve also been informed that I’m going to be room mom for Scooter’s class, and I’ve been asked to bring snacks and help provide rides for soccer.”
    “Welcome to parenthood,” Ellie teased.
    I sat back in my chair and looked out at the lake. These were the moments I tried to savor. Good wine shared with best friends after a productive and eventful day. I knew things were going to change now that Zak and I were committed to the kids and the school, but I really hoped they wouldn’t change too much.
    “Alex and I are going shopping tomorrow,” I informed Ellie. “Do you want to come with us?”
    “I’d love to, but I told Kelly she could take the day off, so I have to work. Why don’t the two of you come by for lunch so I can see what you bought?”
    “I’m sure Alex would like that. How’s Kelly doing?”
    Ellie’s assistant, Kelly, was involved in an abusive relationship with her live-in boyfriend. Things had been bad just before the wedding, but Ellie seemed to think things had been going better the last time I’d asked.
    “I guess things are going okay. Kelly hasn’t missed any more work and I haven’t noticed any recent bruises. I’m still not comfortable with the situation. I keep hoping the two of them will decide to split up.”
    “Did her boyfriend ever get a job?” I wondered.
    “No. Not as of the last time I asked about it, anyway. Kelly said he had some things he was working on, but she didn’t seem to want to talk about it, so I let it go. I’ve let her know that I’m there for her, so I guess I’ve done what I can. The rest is up to her.”
    When everyone had left and I had finally tumbled into bed I was certain I’d be asleep within minutes. It had been a very long and very busy day. But although Zak was snoring softly beside me, I found I couldn’t shut down my mind. I might talk big about leaving sleuthing behind, but I’m afraid it’s in my blood by this point. I’m always sure if I think about things long enough the answer will pop into my head and I’ll solve the case.
    Mrs. Brown wasn’t scheduled to work on the day she was murdered, yet she was there, making a huge pot of hamburger gravy. Why?
    And the fact that she was on campus on a day when she wasn’t scheduled to be there made me wonder how the killer knew to find her in the kitchen. Had it been a crime of opportunity? Maybe the killer had just stumbled upon her as she made her gravy. Or had the killer followed her to the school? Interesting questions without easy answers.
    I quietly got out of bed and slipped on my robe. Charlie wasn’t thrilled that we were getting up so soon after going to bed, but he loyally followed me downstairs. I didn’t want to wake the kids, so I decided to settle into the kitchen, where the light wouldn’t be seen from any of the bedroom windows. I found a yellow legal pad in one of the drawers near the phone and began to jot down some notes.
    Who killed Mrs. Brown?
    I looked at the question for several minutes without anything coming to mind.
    Why was Mrs. Brown at the

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