As Cold As Ice
slick fluid then falling the rest of the way down her
legs, slower that time. It finally stopped at her toes, making her
curl them as she moaned.
    And then another ball of
lightning fire fell through her again, touching different nerves
and making more hairs on her body stand on end. She felt kind of
like one of those Plinko games from The Price Is
Right in that moment.
    Jessica let her hand slide up the back of
Soren’s hair, loving the feel of it, gripping it just tight enough
to hear him moan for her. Also, she needed to get the weird
thoughts out of her head. That wasn’t helping her.
    Soren let her have her way with him. He
allowed her hands to roam, her tongue to push against his. He
barely touched her in return. His hands were light on her body,
sliding down to her shoulders then to her hips in such
feather-light touches she barely registered them. Had it not been
for the fact that her tongue was in his mouth, she might’ve thought
they weren’t touching at all.
    And that irritated her. It seemed wrong on
so many levels, like he was insulting her by not touching her, and
she needed to do something about it.
    Jessica did the only thing that came
immediately to mind. It wasn’t too original, but it got his
attention for sure.
    She let her hand slide down his white lab
coat, her fingertips pressing against his chest just hard enough so
he could feel the stimulation beneath the rest of his clothing.
    The lab coat was clean and felt recently
pressed, so the material was stiff as it went midway down his
thighs, but she knew full well he felt it when her hand came to
rest against his cock.
    Even through the material of the coat and
black slacks he wore underneath, she could tell how hard he was.
She also felt the immediate throb as she put just enough pressure
against his erection to make him shiver.
    Jessica pressed her body closer, wanting to
feel that pleasure with him. She pushed her chest against his.
Jessica’s bra wasn’t anything special. It held her tits up well
enough, but there wasn’t a whole lot of padding, either. Mostly it
was lace, which allowed a lot more shocks of pleasure to light up
through her nipples. It moved down to her clit when they were chest
to chest, even with the rest of their clothes separating them from
a more intimate contact. Lace against bare skin always did that to
    But she wanted more. Once she’d gained some
control, she wanted to feel what it was like to give up the tiny
bit of power she did have to someone else, to Soren. She coaxed his
tongue forward, abandoning his cock so she could hold onto his
cheeks with both palms, her ultimate goal clear. She made sure he
couldn’t mistake her intent.
    He pulled back before she could lure his
tongue into her mouth.
    “ Are you sure?”
    “ What?” she sputtered. It
was rare for a guy to ask if she was sure, especially when she very
clearly was. Plus, the smell of sex in the air was thick enough to
cut with a knife.
    “ You don’t have to be a
gentleman about this. Trust me, I want you to fuck me.” She wanted
it so damned bad her hands shook as she worked the buttons on his
lab coat. She moved fast, her fingers trembling a bit, as if both
their lives depended on being naked, like their clothes had caught
    Something had caught fire, all right.
    Soren frowned then shook
his head. “No, I…I’m not going to fuck you. I can’t fuck you.”
    Jessica’s fingers instantly yanked away from
the buttons of his lab coat, fire or no fire. “What?” That time,
the word left her mouth on a croak. She didn’t get it. Why change
his mind? “Are you kidding?”
    His frown deepened. “I don’t fuck a lot of
people. I mean, I do, but I don’t want to do that with you. Not
like that.”
    The heavy sigh she heaved was so massive
that Jessica’s throat and tongue hardly worked when she spoke, like
everything was too swollen and dry to get out real words. “Oh! Oh,
you’re talking about… oh…” She trailed off at the look

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