Out of Step

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Book: Out of Step by Maggie Makepeace Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maggie Makepeace
d’you say?’
    ‘Well…’ It was perfectly logical, Cassie had to admit that … ‘But I don’t know anything about you,’ she prevaricated.
    ‘Well, I’m not going to nick the silver if that’s what’s bovvering you,’ Mic said. ‘I wouldn’t be that stupid. And I don’t do drugs or nuffink – well, only ciggies.’
    ‘No, of course not. I didn’t mean –’
    ‘Tell you what,’ Mic said, ‘we’re OK where we are for a bit, so you have a fink about it, yeah?’
    ‘Yes… all right, I will.’
    ‘Michaela Potton and Gavin,’ the receptionist called out. ‘To Dr White please.’
    ‘Looks like our doctor’s quicker’n yours, dunnit?’ Mic said, getting up. ‘So, give us your phone number, OK? I’ll leave it a week, and then ring you. You can always say no.’
    ‘All right,’ Cassie said, delving into her handbag. ‘I’ve got some stickers with my name and address somewhere … Yes, here’s one.’ She gave it to Mic.
    ‘Cheers. Come on then, Gav. Let’s get your ears sorted.’ And off they went.
    When she got home with the prescription she’d gone for, Cassie worried about giving Mic the sticker. I’m just not thinking straight. My health must be even worse than I thought. I won’t tell Rob; he’d say I was mad to have done it. What if she’s a thief? She now knows I’m a woman living alone in a big house. She mentioned silver – perhaps she’s part of a gang? She’s got my phone number too. What if she plagues me with nuisance calls asking for money, or keeps coming round and pestering me? What
I thinking of?
    She knew the answer to that one really. She was desperate to get Josh and Rosie off her back, but also determined that Rob shouldn’t have them. At least Mic would be here with me, she thought, if I took her on. I could keep an eye on things. I don’t reckon I’m that bad a judge of character either. My instincts tell me she’s OK. And we could convert the attic room (the one Rob used to use as a workshop) for her child-minding. It hasn’t been lived in since we came here, but it’s big enough and light enough, and we could get the heating connected up again. Then she could have the back bedroom for herself and Gavin, and the guest bathroom, so I wouldn’t have to meet them first thing in the morning. I suppose if Gavin and Josh got on really well, he could always share Josh’s room eventually. I’d have to insist that she only smokes in her own room though. I can’t have the whole house stinking of it.
    Rob would strongly disapprove, Cassie knew this, and the knowledge encouraged her to do it just to spite him.
    Oh, what the hell! she thought. Let’s give her a try. I could use some company in the evenings. Of course she’s not really my sort of person, so we won’t have much in common, but she’ll be better than nobody.
    When the young couple came again to see Nell’s house, this time in daylight, she began to get really optimisticthat everything might work out. If they were prepared to approach her asking price, then she would be able to buy Bottom Cottage without the hassle of finding a mortgage. She blessed her parents for having had the foresight and prudence to have paid theirs off before they died. She knew how lucky she was. She said as much to Anna at swimming.
    ‘Jammy bastard,’ Ann said. ‘I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get shot of mine, so I’ll never be able to give up work. What a treadmill!’
    They did a few more lengths, and then Nell stopped and waited for her. ‘How’s the Boss then?’ she asked.
    ‘Lovely,’ Anna said. ‘When I
him, that is, which isn’t nearly often enough. It’s been a long winter. Thank God it will soon be summer.’
    ‘And the love nest?’
    ‘Brilliant,’ Anna said at once. ‘It’s right out in the country and very small and compact, but everything fits into its own place, and the setting and views are amazing. Mind you, we don’t have much time for looking at the scenery!’

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