Spring-Heeled Jack
    “ Clayton, that’s enough!”
Mrs. Nelson stood up and placed her hand on her husband’s
    Slowly, Dr. Nelson’s face began to
return to its regular color and his breathing slowed down. Without
a word, Dr. Nelson pushed past the detective and left the
    “ I’m very sorry, detective,”
said Mrs. Nelson.
    “ Tis quite alright, m’lady.”
McCloud smiled and moved aside. “You best not keep your husband
    Mrs. Nelson curtsied and left to join
her husband.
    There was a long uncomforting silence
that filled the room after the Nelsons were gone. Atticus stood in
the corner, watching the three adults in the room. Varnum still
looked ghastly, hands still trembling and his knees shaking.
Principal Shepard continued to eyeball McCloud who stood silently,
his hat still in his hands.
    Principal Shepard broke the silence.
“I’m sorry about all of that, Atticus.”
    “ It’s okay,” he said.
“Yelling adults: I’m used to it.”
    “ Well, Mr. Whaelord,” said
Varnum, “because of your intrusion, we’ll have to delay our meeting
to another time.”
    “ But, I-”
    “ Tell me professor, what was
the meeting about,” McCloud asked.
    Varnum’s face tensed. He stuttered
trying to answer, but he was fumbling over all of his words.
McCloud gave a smirk and changed the subject.
    “ I do believe it was my
intrusion that caused the commotion, not the lad’s. Anyway, I do
apologize about that. I simply thought they’d be interested to hear
what I had to say, but nay. Farewell everyone.”
    As the detective left, Atticus saw
that Varnum was still petrified and Principal Shepard was still on
edge. Something was up with them. Why would they all act strangely
when McCloud was round? Was the principal in on this scheme
    “ W-Well, I should get
going,” Attics said. “Y’know, I-I have a lot of studying to catch
up on.”
    “ You’re excused, Atticus,”
said Principal Shepard. Her face was finally starting to relax.
“Say, why don’t you leave that ring with me? I can ask some of the
other faculty members about it, okay?”
    Atticus nodded. He placed the ring on
the principal’s desk, and as he did he caught a small bead of sweat
trickle down Varnum’s cheek. The man was almost completely drenched
in bile. Ever since Atticus revealed the ring, he acted as though
it was something terrible.
    The professor started to act a bit
jittery, almost as if someone poured a bucket of hot sand down his
    “ Well,” he said, “I should
also get back to work. Busy, busy. What do you think would be a
good time to meet again, principal? I was thinking-”
    “ Not quite, professor.”
Principal Shepard knocked her hand on her desk. Varnum tensed up
again. “We need to discuss your recent behavior.”
    A tingle rushed up Atticus’ spine when
she said “behavior.”
    He quickly said his farewell to the
principal and gave his sincerest condolences to Professor Varnum,
who did not look the least bit thrilled.
    Atticus quickly exited the faculty
building, chasing after Detective McCloud. He wanted to talk to him
about so much: Professor Varnum, the Nelsons, the ring. If he could
just get a minute, Atticus was sure they could get some
    Detective McCloud was just making his
way past the Fortuna Prep fountain when Atticus caught up to
    “ Detective,” he hollered,
“just a minute please!”
    McCloud stopped and turned about to
face Atticus. He still had a devilish grin on his face.
    “ Well, good ‘ay, lad,” he
said. “What’s the matter?”
    Atticus was panting. The entire day
he’d been stressed out, running around, his mind moving a million
thoughts a minute, and now it was starting to take its toll on
    He steadied his breath and said, “I
would like…to talk to you…about the murder.”
    McCloud nodded. “Yes, yes. You saw how
well that went for me with the parents.”
    “ Why doesn’t Dr.
    “ Please, now.” McCloud

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