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Book: SLAVES OF HOLLYWOOD 2 by Declan Brand Read Free Book Online
Authors: Declan Brand
thing does get infected and suppurates or abscesses…
    Mike sighed. It’s really too bad—I like the way this looks—but…
    He reached out and grabbed the top of the badge: “Not a sound!” He ordered as he heard the girl’s moan of distress. “You do not have permission to speak—or to scream!”
    He got a good grip on the badge and, with one motion, pulled it up and free of the girl’s nipple. Kelly gasped, whining with the pain—but she did not scream. Good , he examined the pin on the badge, noted the coating of blood—and the total lack of any pus. Very good . He smiled, wiped the blood off with his fingers, and put the badge back into his pocket. I’ll hold this for later—for now…
    “All right, slave! On your feet!” He watched as Kelly folded her body forward until her breasts almost touched her knees—clearly, her training in gymnastics gave her a suppleness he didn’t often see. He was surprised when she was then able to push herself up and rise without the use of her bound hands.
    She stood there, still blindfolded, wobbling as circulation slowly resumed in her legs and feet. He could see that she was stifling a cry of pain from the pins and needles he knew were flooding through her. She’s learning… He took a half-step forward, grabbed a fistful of her hair and forced her head to the level of his waist. “Come with me, slave—heel!”
    She stumbled alongside him as he went out the door, unable to anticipate his moves without the use of her eyes she was forced to wholly rely on the guidance of his closed fist—a fist that pulled at her scalp, causing continual pain that rose when he yanked her to one side, turning down the corridor that led to the toilet. Better I let her relieve herself now , Mike told himself. Before I give her a bath…
    Kelly moaned in pleasure when he gave her permission to empty her bladder—an order she was quick to obey, proving that it had been a good idea to stop here. The bath chamber was next. Mike took her into the bare concrete room with the sloping floor and told her to stop in the center. Time to see just how much she’s really learned…
    At his command, she spread her legs wide—and she said nothing when he attached cuffs to her ankles and, a moment later, anchored those cuffs to chains that were attached to the walls of the bathing chamber, pulling her legs far enough apart that he could see her muscles trembling as she fought to hold herself in place.
    Her wrists were next. “Don’t move now.” He stepped behind her, removed the cuffs he had fastened only a few moments before. In their place, he attached individual leather cuffs—which he then attached to more chains coming from the walls—pulling her arms up and away from her body. Mike than stepped to a winch and with a few turns finished the job—leaving the girl suspended and spread-eagled in the middle of the room. She was moaning softly by the time he finished—but she did not cry out, did not make any demands or ask any questions. She is learning!
    Mike took the nozzle of the pressure hose from its rack on the wall and aimed it at the helpless girl’s bush. Let’s see what she does now!
    She groaned and briefly cried out when the freezing cold water struck her—then quickly realized what was happening and bit her lips to prevent any more noise from escaping. Mike smiled at her reaction and continued to watch her actions as he carefully ran the stream of water over her entire body. It was immediately clear to him that the pressure of the water—not to mention its near-freezing temperature -- was causing her a great deal of discomfort—the goose bumps that were popping out all over her body proved that. But she was clearly determined not to cry out or do anything that might open her to more punishment. As if that would help her! Still, Mike was impressed by her self-control. Maybe she wasn’t quite the creampuff he had earlier believed. I’ll find out , he told himself. One way or

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