follow it anymore.”
He laughs and repeats, “Are we on for tonight?”
Completely disregarding the bright red warning signs flashing in my head, too quickly ignoring how he made me feel just a few hours ago, knowing he’s nothing but bad news, I still agree. Inwardly cursing this damn attraction.
“Would you like me to pick you up?” he asks in a softer, coaxing tone, every bit the wooer.
“It’ll have to be a late show. I’m kind of busy until later tonight.”
“It’ll be at my house, so we can watch it whenever we want.”
Oh, your house. “Then you don’t have to bother, I can get there by myself.”
“It’s no trouble, Hayley,” he tries again.
“That’s okay. Really, there’s no need.” I insist and apparently manage to convince him. I’d much rather have an option to run away …
“I’ll text you the address later.”
“One thing, Daniel,” I say. “How did you know my dress size?”
“I did feel you up last night, didn’t I?” The jibe stings.
Thank you, higher power, that we’re on the phone right now, and he can’t see my reaction . I feel my face burn up in flames.
“Miss Grace, you seemed so much more talkative a few minutes ago. Have you lost your words now, or do you need a moment?”
Jerk. I snicker. “No, Daniel, I don’t. And thank you for the dress.”
“Does that mean you’ll accompany me to the fundraiser?”
“Let’s talk about it tonight, shall we?” With you, I prefer to gauge which way the wind blows first, before committing further.
“I will do my best to include talking,” he replies and chuckles. Cocky assumptions, D.
“Mr. Stark, I apologize for my interruption, but you’re already ten minutes late, and everyone’s waiting for you in the oval room,” I hear a hesitant female voice urging him. “Why are you bothering me when I’m on an important call? For god’s sake, Anne.” There’s a short pause. “I’ll be there shortly,” he grunts.
She’s just doing her job! I frown from afar.
“So, Hayley, see you tonight?” his voice soft and calm again.
“See you tonight, Daniel.” I hang up. Try not to decapitate anyone at work, psycho! I turn the music up to try to stop myself from thinking about him, again , and return to my sketching.
“Honey, I’m home, hide the milkman.” Tasha’s cheerful voice comes from the entry hall. I look up at the window, and it’s dark already. How long was I disconnected in here?
“What time is it?” I ask Tasha as I join her in the living room.
“Seven. What have you been up to, Missy?”
If you only knew …
“I got it,” she hugs me, her smile broad.
“I am so happy for you,” I mirror her contagious smile, admiring the way her gray suit compliments her. “What position is it? When do you start?”
“Wine?” she asks heading toward the kitchen, I follow her bouncy, silky ponytail.
“No, I’m driving later,” I mutter casually.
“Oh really? Where to, exactly?” She turns to face me, wearing an inquisitive/teasing expression.
“Watch a movie … with Daniel,” I say, trying to sound casual, knowing this will have to be much elaborated shortly.
Her lips pull up into an I-knew-it smug smile. “It’ll be in their R&D department as a project manager.” Her smile becomes so sincere it makes me sigh in contentment, utterly happy for her.
“It’s the position you wanted. That’s so great. And when do you start?”
“Tomorrow.” She grins wider and raises her wine glass as she does.
“To you, dear.” I salute back.
“I need you to promise me one thing, Hales,” she says in a coaxing tone.
“Anything for you, as long as I can and it’s legal.” I nod assurance. “Or as long as we can hide the evidence.”
She smiles.
“There’s a fundraising event this Friday, and since I don’t know anyone at the company yet, and I’d much rather not bring a date … to keep my options open, you know.” She winks at me and continues, “Can you be my plus