07BarteredPainThe BillionairesWifeARE

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Book: 07BarteredPainThe BillionairesWifeARE by Ava Lore Read Free Book Online
Authors: Ava Lore
appointment' every
single day. At some point she's gotta know that I'm going to catch on...
    He said nothing, merely put the
nipple clamp in place and stared down at me with what I could have sworn was
concern. Then he lifted the remote control for the electric clamps and gave me
a zap that made my knees weak and my pussy melt. “Oh,” I breathed, and he
reached out and caught me, swiping his tongue over my ear and nibbling at my
earlobe before pushing me away.
    “Get dressed,” he said. “We have a
lot to do today.”
    Mouth dry, I nodded and complied
with his command.
    Now, in the UN Dining room, I was
getting hornier by the second as Anton slipped his arm around me and rubbed
small, seductive circles over my hip with his thumb as my mother chattered on
and on about who was getting invited and who had incurred her wrath enough to
be officially snubbed and how she was going to let those people know just how
snubbed they were.
    Shut up, mom, I thought,
then immediately felt guilty about it. But my god, she was killing my mood. Please,
please be quiet.
    Another shock lanced through my
breasts and I hissed through my teeth. The sound was loud enough to cut through
my mother's list of people she felt obligated to invite to the reception, but
that weren't special enough to go to the wedding. She gave me a sharp look.
    “Are you all right, Felicia?” she
    Licking my lips, I nodded. “Yeah,”
I said. “I just, uh, I just have a headache—ah!”
    Electricity crackled over my
nipples and my legs buckled.
    Anton put a hand out to steady me
as my mother started forward, concern writ large on her face. I didn't want to
worry her, not in her condition.
    “Anton,” I said, “ could you help
me find somewhere to, uh, sit down for a bit? Or a place to splash water on my
    The arm around me tensed, and I
knew he was thinking the same thing I was. “Of course, dear,” he said, his
voice rumbling against my arm. To everyone else, he sounded perfectly normal,
but I could hear the tiny note of hoarseness threaded through his words.
    Firmly he steered me away from my
parents. My mother watched me go, her eyes narrow. My father stood at one of
the windows and stared down at the city. He couldn't have cared less.
    Well so what? The heat of Anton's
body was already rolling off him in waves as he guided me toward the entrance
and the two discreet restrooms that stood there behind nondescript doors.
    We entered the ladies' room. There
was no one else in the restaurant—too early in the morning—and we had the place
to ourselves. A small lounge greeted us, with a coffee table, a couch and two
chairs against the wall.
    I didn't even have a chance to
admire the decor before I was flat on my stomach over the coffee table as Anton
hiked my skirt up over my hips. No panties again. Never again.
    Drawing his hand back, he spanked
my exposed pussy and I hissed. I couldn't cry out, not here, not with everyone
so close, but the flood of moisture between my legs was enough to tell Anton
that I wanted exactly what he was going to give me.
    Which of course meant he had to
torture me first.
    Another electrical charge jolted my
nipples and I twitched and thrashed against the table. The leather of my jacket
creaked and groaned as I twisted. Anton stroked my slit gently with one long
finger, spreading my juices over my pussy lips until my sex was almost
    "You are so dirty," he
whispered. "You'd fuck me anywhere."
    "Hell yes," I said,
earning another smack on the ass. The flat sound echoed off the walls and I
clenched my teeth together, swallowing a shriek of pleasure. His hands were
rough when he reached down and turned me over so I lay on the table, my thighs
falling open. Eagerly his mouth descended on me, licking, stroking, probing,
nipping. Anyone could walk in that door at any moment. I needed to come, and
quick, or I'd spend the rest of the day frustrated.
    "Your fingers," I begged.
    He pulled back and

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