July 1914: Countdown to War
military attaché in Berlin, 1910–1914.
    Biliński, Leon von. Austrian minister for Bosnia-Herzegovina and common imperial finance minister.
    Conrad von Hötzendorf, Franz. Austria-Hungary’s army chief of staff, 1912–1916.
    Czernin, Otto. Austrian legation secretary in St. Petersburg, and interim ambassador there in absence of Count Friedrich Szapáry.
    Franz Ferdinand, Archduke. Heir to the Habsburg throne of Austria-Hungary.
    Franz Josef I. Emperor of Austria and king of Hungary, 1848–1916.
    Friedrich, Archduke, Duke of Teschen. Appointed supreme commander of the Common Imperial Army in July 1914.
    Giesl von Gieslingen, Baron. Austrian minister in Serbia, 1913–1914.
    Hoyos, Alexander, Count. Berchtold’s secretary and special envoy to Berlin, July 1914.
    Krobatin, Alexander, General. Common imperial war minister.
    Mensdorff, Albert, Count. Austria-Hungary’s ambassador to England, 1904–1914.
    Potiorek, Oskar. Austrian military governor of Bosnia-Herzegovina.
    Ritter von Storck, Wilhelm. Austrian chargé d’affaires in Belgrade.
    Stürgkh, Karl, Count. Austrian minister-president.
    Szapáry, Friedrich, Count. Austria-Hungary’s ambassador to Russia, 1913–1914.
    Szögyény, Ladislaus, Count. Austria-Hungary’s ambassador to Germany, 1892–1914.
    Tisza, Stefan, Count. Minister-president of Hungary, 1903–1905, 1913–1917.
    Albert I. King of Belgium, 1909–1934.
    Barrère, Camille. France’s ambassador to Italy, 1897–1924.
    Bienvenu-Martin, Jean-Baptiste. French Minister of Justice and acting director of foreign affairs at the Quai d’Orsay in July 1914.
    Boppe, Jules August. French minister to Belgrade, 1914.
    Caillaux, Joseph. French prime minister (1911–1912) and finance minister, 1899–1902, 1906–1909, 1913–1914.
    Cambon, Jules. France’s ambassador to Germany, 1907–1914.
    Cambon, Paul. France’s ambassador to Britain, 1898–1920.
    Dumaine, Alfred. France’s ambassador to Austria-Hungary, 1912–1914.
    Joffre, Joseph. Chief of staff of the French army, 1911–1916.
    Laguiche, Pierre de, General. French military attaché in St. Petersburg.
    Messimy, Adolphe. France’s minister of war, 1911–1912 and June–August 1914.
    Paléologue, Maurice. France’s ambassador to Russia, 1914–1917.
    Poincaré, Raymond. President of France, 1913–1920.
    Robien, Louis de. French embassy attaché in St. Petersburg.
    Viviani, René. France’s premier and foreign minister at various points in 1914 and 1915, including both offices in June–July 1914.
    Below-Selaske, Klaus von. German minister at Brussels, 1913–1914.
    Bethmann Hollweg, Theobald von. Chancellor of Imperial Germany, 1909–1917.
    Bülow, Bernhard von, Prince. Chancellor of Imperial Germany, 1900–1909.
    Chelius, Oskar von, General. German military attaché in St. Petersburg and aide-de-camp to Tsar Nicholas II, 1914.
    Falkenhayn, Erich von. Prussian minister of war, 1913–1915.
    Griesinger, Julius Adolph, Baron. Germany minister to Belgrade, 1911–1914.
    Jagow, Gottlieb von. State secretary of Imperial Germany, 1913–1916.
    Lichnowsky, Prince Karl Max von. Germany’s ambassador to Britain, 1912–1914.
    Moltke “the Younger,” Helmuth von. Chief of staff of the German army, 1906–1914.
    Müller, Georg Alexander von, Admiral. Chief of German naval cabinet, 1906–1918.
    Plessen, Hans G. H. von , General, adjutant to Kaiser Wilhelm II.
    Pourtalès, Friedrich. Germany’s ambassador to Russia, 1907–1914.
    Riezler, Kurt. Private secretary to Chancellor Bethmann Hollweg, 1909–1914.
    Schlieffen, Alfred von, Count, Field Marshal. Chief of German General Staff, 1891–1906.
    Schoen, Wilhelm von, Baron. Germany’s ambassador to France, 1910–1914.
    Stumm, Wilhelm von. Political director of the German Foreign Office, 1911–1916.
    Tirpitz, Alfred von. Secretary of state of the German Imperial Naval Office, 1897–1916.
    Tschirschky, Heinrich von, Count. German ambassador to Austria-Hungary,

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