The Unsuspecting Mage

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Book: The Unsuspecting Mage by Brian S. Pratt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Brian S. Pratt
incoming blade and thrusts with his own sword, taking the outlaw upward through the chest. Ceryn kicks out with his foot to dislodge the outlaw from his blade and turns to find the leader coming straight for him, a wild look in his eyes.
    With a primal scream, the leader charges. Wielding his sword in both hands, he brings it down with all his strength, attempting to hew Ceryn in half. Striking the leader’s sword, Ceryn succeeds in deflecting it away, throwing the leader off balance. Ceryn then kicks out with his foot and connects with the leader’s knee. With satisfaction, he hears the knee joint snap. Off balance and with knee broken, the leader cries out in pain as he twists and drops face first to the ground. Moving to finish it, Ceryn slices through the leader’s back and severs the spine.
    Paralyzed, the leader stares with hate filled eyes at Ceryn as the blood flowing out of him first brings unconsciousness, then death.
    Panting, Ceryn wipes the sweat from his brow as he surveys the battlefield and finds only smoldering, dead outlaws. He tosses the sword down and returns to James. He lifts James from off the ground and carries him into the cabin where he lays him upon the bed.
    Waking the next morning, James finds a blood-soaked Ceryn lying next to him. Checking to make sure the Forest Warden still lived, he discovers that most of the blood staining Ceryn’s clothes is not the Warden’s. Even though he has a head that feels like it’s being used as an anvil, James manages to rise and investigate the situation outside.
    The area in front of the cabin is a scene of carnage. Bodies litter the ground and blood is everywhere. His respect for the swordsmanship of Ceryn is high. He moves from one outlaw to the next. Not finding any that still lives, he returns to the cabin and builds a fire in the fireplace to ward off the morning chill. Not with magic for after last night he can’t even think of magic without his head hurting. The spell with the fire had been far too draining. In fact, it had almost killed him. He determines to refrain from using magic for the time being, at least until he regains some of his strength.
    He finally gets a good fire going then hangs the remnants of last night’s pot of stew over the flames to warm. Taking an empty jug, he hobbles with the aid of his spear out to the river and fills it with water from the river. Once back in the cabin he fills a bowl and locates a somewhat clean cloth. Taking them into the bedroom he begins cleaning the blood off of Ceryn.
    Not long after beginning, Ceryn awakens. His unexpected grabbing of James’ hand startles him and nearly causes him to spill the contents of the bowl.
    “I can take care of this myself, I’m not that weak.”
    Smiling, James replies, “Just returning the favor. You saved our lives out there last night.”
    “I think we both deserve credit with still being alive.” Sitting up, he swings his legs over the edge of the bed. “You have many surprises about you, yes?” Coming to his feet, he heads for the door.
    “I suppose I do.”
    James grabs his spear as he accompanies Ceryn to the river. His leg still hurts badly, but with the aid of the spear, he’s able to make it without fear of making it worse. Changing the subject, James asks, “Who were those guys last night?”
    Ceryn kneels at the water’s edge and commences washing away the blood staining his hands and arms; something he was far too tired to do the night before.
    “The leader’s name is, or was, Garrett. Some called him Garrett the Snake after the tattoo of the green serpent on his arm. His little band of cutthroats has been raiding this area for a couple years now, but no one has ever been able to stop him, until now. There’s a reward for taking him down. I’ve no use for it, and since you saved us last night, you can claim it.”
    “Uh, thanks, but I wouldn’t feel right about taking all of it.”
    Turning his head, he glances up at James. “Take it.

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