The Last Emprex

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Book: The Last Emprex by EJ Altbacker Read Free Book Online
Authors: EJ Altbacker
shoved them away with snapping jaws.
    Grimkahn shouted, “STAY AWAY! HE’S MINE! HE’S MINE!”
    The mosasaur king was seventy feet of white-hot rage, and coming straight for Gray.

    THOUGH IT MAY HAVE LOOKED LIKE IT AS HE hovered motionless, Gray wasn’t suicidal. He planned on moving himself a hundred feet to the left as Grimkahn struck. That way he could counterattack from the side. What Gray hadn’t counted on was Hokuu coming at him from behind.
    But Gray felt a tingle from his early warning system, checked the electric shadow, and in a split second knew it was the frill attacking. It had to be Hokuu. Would he rip off Gray’s tail with his teeth? Or use his spiked tail and go for the head? These questions couldn’t be answered without turning and losing sight of Grimkahn. That seemed like a bad idea, and for a split second he did nothing. With the passing of that critical moment stuck in hover, Gray’s choices became being eaten by Grimkahn or killed by Hokuu.
    Or those would have been the options if it hadn’t been for Takiza.
    The betta zoomed between the two charging monsters and pushed Gray out of the way with a burst of power, leaving Takiza in position to take the brunt of Hokuu’s attack.
    Gray had guessed wrong. The frill didn’t use his teeth or tail.
    It was green and vile and shot from of Hokuu’s mouth in a thick spray that didn’t dissolve in the water.
    But Takiza zipped away in a flash so most of the vomit attack hit
flush in the head. The mosasaur roared in pain! He dove down and rubbed his face into the seabed, ripping up the moss and kelp there.
    In all the confusion Hokuu had locked onto Gray as a target and hadn’t seen Grimkahn coming from the opposite direction!
    It was unbelievable!
    The mosasaur had a look of thundering bewilderment on his face. He knew Hokuu had just sprayed him with something that was still sizzling on his face.
    Gray could have never hoped for such a thing. How could anyone plan for something like, “And then after we get Hokuu to vomit acid into Grimkahn’s face . . . ”
    It was ridiculous to even consider.
    But it had
    Gray wasn’t about to pass up taking advantage of this one-in-a-million occurrence. He amplified his voice and yelled, “THANKS, HOKUU! ONCE GRIMKAHN IS CHUM, WE’LL DIVIDE THE BIG BLUE BETWEEN THE TWO OF US!”
    The mosasaur king’s eyes hardened. He glided toward the frill, picking up speed.
    â€œYou cannot seriously believe that!” Hokuu shouted. “Do not do this, my king!” His voice cracked as he got more panicked. Then Hokuu made the mistake of gathering energy for a shar-kata strike. “I’m warning you!”
    â€œYOU WARN ME?” Grimkahn roared. “About what? Your little hot flashes? Try them!”
    Hokuu released a bolt of orange electrical energy with a tail whip. The forks hit Grimkahn but spread over his bumpy and ridge-like hide until they petered out. It didn’t slow him down in the least! Grimkahn’s skin seemed to reflect and deflect the force.
    Mosasaurs were immune to shar-kata energy?
    That was a definite cause for concern.
    Grimkahn’s jaws came together in a thunderous crash, missing Hokuu by an urchin spine.
    â€œI’m your faithful servant!” cried Hokuu.
    â€œThen serve me by dying alongside all my other enemies!” Grimkahn snapped at the thirty-foot frilled shark and took a two-foot chunk out of his lower midsection.
    Hokuu shrieked in pain! He whirled and sent his tail through the water with a metallic whine and deep into Grimkahn’s cheek.
    Now it was the mosasaur’s turn to roar. He whipped his tremendous tail at Hokuu, who darted away and screamed, “You made me do that! I hope you die!”
    And then Hokuu, streaming blood, swam away as fast as he could.
    Grimkahn thrashed and rolled. “KILL EVERY-ONE!”

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