Keeping in Line
his arm under Bronwyn’s head and drawing her close to his broad chest. In a way she couldn’t describe, it felt right being cuddled up next to him. She listened to the contented beat of his heart below her cheek and to the cicadas buzz in the distance. Taking a deep breath, she realized he had taken the time to splash on some cologne while he was inside getting their food. Bronwyn was almost too nervous to breathe, let alone carry on a conversation. However, it didn’t seem like words were necessary on this evening in September. Drew gently stroked her hair and she wished the moment could last forever. The fall sky shone brilliantly down on them, and Bronwyn wondered why she had never done this before.
    Too soon, Drew said quietly, “It’s probably time to get you home.”
    Bronwyn sighed, but took his hand as he helped her off the trampoline. He continued holding her hand as they walked over to his car. The ride home was quiet and the radio played softly. Bronwyn was dreading the end of this car ride. It had been magical out on the trampoline, but the harsh reality that it was going to be their only date definitely put a damper on things, at least in Bronwyn’s opinion. She cringed as Drew turned into her neighborhood.
    Guess I won’t be getting that elusive first kiss after all…
    Bronwyn had long ago made up some random guy she had met on some beach vacation beach so that Meredith and Megan would stop bothering her about this whole kissing thing. She had been hoping it would be with someone meaningful.
    So what if I’m a late bloomer?
    Drew’s voice snapped her out of her thoughts, “We’re here.”
    Bronwyn gathered together her uniform bag and said, “Thanks for everything. I guess you’ll talk to J.D. next week…”
    “Well, for what it matters,” Bronwyn gulped, “I would’ve loved to go with you.”
    “It would’ve been fun.”
    Bronwyn’s mind screeched to a stop.
    Does that mean he actually might’ve gone with me?
    She got out of the car and walked to the door, only turning around to wave goodbye, not wanting Drew to see the silly disappointed tears in her eyes.
    How did you think this was going to end?
    She was so lost in her own thoughts she didn’t hear Drew close the car door. Bronwyn squeaked when she realized Drew was right behind her. She turned and looked up at him, his handsome face, so familiar to her now, and held her breath.
    “Since it’s a real date…” Drew quickly closed the distance between them. He cupped her face and lowered his mouth to her slightly open lips. The redhead didn’t have anything else to judge how great a kisser Drew was, but in her mind, it was one of the best moments in her life. When the embrace finished, she opened her eyes and saw Drew grinning at her.
    “I wish things were different, Bronwyn.”
    “I know; me too.”
    “Sweet dreams.”
    As Drew walked away, Bronwyn briefly entertained the idea of transferring to a different school just so she could date the guy she liked. Once inside, the redhead immediately called Meredith and Megan to fill them in on the exciting news. They were both happy for her, and tried to make her feel better that she had at least gotten something special out of this whole mess.
    * * *
    CHAPTER EIGHT: Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps
    J.D. approached Drew after practice on Tuesday and said, “Alright dude, she’s had to have made up her mind by now.”
    “She did.”
    “You win.”
    J.D. immediately burst into scornful laughter, “I always knew I liked that girl.”
    Drew sighed, and surprising himself, said, “I did too.”
    “Don’t tell me you actually had feelings for her. She’s just some silly sophomore.”
    “Is that all you see?”
    J.D. didn’t respond.
    “Look, if that’s what you think about her, I feel sorry for your section.”
    J.D. crossed his arms, “Don’t even think about going there. I am the drumline Captain and we are doing fine this year.”

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