Taming the Montana Millionaire

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Book: Taming the Montana Millionaire by Teresa Southwick Read Free Book Online
Authors: Teresa Southwick
“If love has a short shelf life, why should I believe they won’t decide not to love me?”
    â€œA parent’s relationship with a child is different than with each other,” Marlon said. “It’s unconditional.”
    â€œHe’s right,” C.J. confirmed. “For a while my mom and dad were fighting over me. My mom sued him for full custody and was going to make me go to boarding school in Switzerland.”
    â€œCool,” Roy commented.
    â€œThat stinks,” Kim and Jerilyn said together.
    Haley remembered agreeing with Marlon about girls and boys thinking differently, and she’d just seen proof.
    â€œWhat happened?” Marlon asked the teen.
    â€œMom’s fiancé is all about family and made her see it wasn’t a good idea to come between me and my dad, and they finally came together on what was best for me. I like it here in Thunder Canyon. Dad and Tori are getting married, which is cool.” He shrugged. “It all worked out.”
    Kim didn’t look convinced. “I can’t see my mom comingaround. She’s driving me nuts. Has to know where I am every second. Calls my cell phone all the time. There are so many rules I can’t even remember them all, let alone not break them.”
    â€œIt’s her way of trying to control an uncontrollable situation.” Marlon sat on the sofa beside her. “If she didn’t love you, there wouldn’t be any rules.”
    â€œOh, please,” Kim scoffed.
    â€œSeriously. Think about it. If you break a rule, does she come down on you?”
    â€œLike a manufactured home in a tornado,” the girl confirmed. “I can’t even remember how long I’m grounded for.”
    â€œI’m willing to bet your mom knows and will follow up. And don’t you think it would be a lot easier for her to just let you do whatever you want? Less work for her.” He met her gaze. “That’s what love is.”
    â€œI never thought about it like that,” Kim admitted.
    â€œA different perspective can be good.” He stood and walked back over to the TV.
    Who was this insightful man and what had he done with the real Marlon Cates? Haley wondered. It was all she could do not to let her mouth drop open. This was the first time she’d actually hung out with him. She’d seen him flirt and pick up women at the Hitching Post and judged him harshly. He wasn’t the one-dimensional man she’d thought.
    Haley looked at the kids. “There are sodas in the fridge if anyone is thirsty.”
    â€œCool,” C.J. said.
    They all mumbled agreement and went into the back room to check out the drink situation. Haley walked over to Marlon. “Could I have a word?”
    â€œOf course. It’s your place.”
    â€œThat’s right.” When she was this close to him it was hard to think straight, let alone come up with words. “This is my place and I fired you yesterday.”
    He frowned thoughtfully. “Can you actually dismiss someone who’s a volunteer?”
    â€œBut there’s no salary involved. So there’s nothing to keep me from just showing up.” One corner of his mouth lifted and there was a twinkle in his brown eyes that made it awfully difficult to maintain the proper level of mad. “I really don’t think you can terminate the services of a volunteer.”
    â€œWatch me.”
    â€œYou’re going to throw me out?” He looked down at her, drawing attention to the fact that he was bigger and stronger.
    â€œNot personally,” Haley said. “But I’ve got friends in town who can do it.”
    â€œSo you’re going to call in reinforcements?”
    â€œIf I have to,” she confirmed.
    â€œEven though I’ve got the legal system on my side?”
    â€œWay to spin the bad stuff,” she said. “Technically they’re not on your side. It’s community

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