blissfully into the water. Dommi bustled around, laying out clothes and towels.
Now for the news, which Dommi must be eagerly waiting to impart.
“The Peppers back yet?”
“No, indeed, Tyika . They are now four days overdue.”
That was odd. Normally members of the Service went Home on leave every couple of years, but the Great War had interfered. Now that it was over, everyone was very eager to catch up. The Peppers had won first slot and were making themselves extremely unpopular by being late returning. It would be at least eighteen months before Julian’s number came up.
“There is many excitements around, Tyika . You are not the only Tyika to be summoned back. Tyika Corey, and Tyika Rollinson, and Entyika Newton, and Votyikank Garcia, and Entyikank Olafson and McKay.” Dommi’s head disappeared into the linen cupboard for a moment. “But Entyikank Corey and Rutherford have not been summoned for, nor tyikank Newton and McKay.”
It sounded like the Committee was in one of its paper-throwing frenzies, but it would not be good form to say so to Dommi.
Julian rolled an eye to inspect the garments awaiting him. “Dinner?”
“You are invited to Votyikank Pinkney, Tyika .”
Julian groaned. He needed sleep! “What time is it?”
“It is approaching six. I checked our clock with the sundial this morning, Tyika .” Olympian clocks were individualists and rarely agreed with one another about anything.
“Then I will have a nap and arrive late.” Reaching wearily for the soap, Julian recalled his adventure of the previous day. “Blast!” The Randorian intervention would have to be reported. Political Branch would be interested, and the other missionaries must be warned. “Take down a letter for me, will you?”
Dommi beamed. “Of course, Tyika !” He loved to demonstrate his literacy, although his spelling was legendary. In seconds he was sitting cross-legged beside the tub, with pen, paper, and ink.
“To Tyika Miller. Dear Dusty. Some Randorian soldiers intruded on the meeting at Seven Stones yesterday. Fortunately they proved amenable to reason and did no harm. Doc knows, of course, but we must expect trouble in future. Yours.”
Dommi carefully blew on the paper to dry the ink, then held it up for Julian’s inspection. Had he really said “enterooded ”? or “ iminiable to reesson ”? or “ I have the oner to be uor most humbille and ubidiant sirv’ntt ”?
“That’s fine. Thanks. Remind me to sign it.” He realized that Dommi had not produced the razor. “How about a shave now?”
“If the Tyika feels it is advisory.”
Julian contemplated that remark sleepily. “Or perhaps I’d better keep the beard.”
“It might be for the best, Tyika .”
So Julian was not going to be staying long in Olympus and the Carrots knew it. They had ears like hawks!
“I’ll need a snack before I turn in. I’m famished.”
“At once, Tyika . Would tea and bubbler sandwiches be sufficiencies?”
“You know I love bubbler sandwiches.” Julian roused himself to attend to his ablutions.
Dommi headed for the door, then paused. “ Tyika ? If it is not too much presumptuousness…”
“What say?”
“When you go to meet the Tyika Exeter…may I come also?”
Julian was so startled he rubbed soap in his eyes and swore. The Liberator problem was none of Dommi’s business! He could not recall Dommi ever leaving the valley before, and Ayetha was close to term. But he had been Exeter’s houseboy once, and Exeter had always had a gift for inspiring loyalty—when he had been house prefect at Fallow, the juniors had worshipped him. If the Filoby Testament had not kept him out of the war, he would have made a great officer. None of which concerned Dommi.
“I haven’t been told I am going anywhere to meet anyone.”
Dommi murmured, “Of course, Tyika ! I beg the tyika ’s pardon,” and padded away.
Julian began contemplating a long evening. The dinner at the Pinkneys might be more
Sidney Sheldon, Tilly Bagshawe