Good Intentions 3: Personal Demons

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Book: Good Intentions 3: Personal Demons by Elliott Kay Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elliott Kay
that thought as he fucked her with abandon.
    Satisfaction neared in due time. Whether a matter of technique or a benefit of the connection Lorelei enjoyed to every aspect of his sexuality, the couple felt the approach of climax together. Pulses of excitement ran from groin to thigh. Their breath shook. Alex continued on as Lorelei scratched and pulled and bit at his chest, the pain distracting him just enough to delay the end for one minute more.
    The end came in a rush of spasms and shouts. In those first instants of release, strong yet gentle hands slipped over his shoulders from behind to pull him upright on his knees. Rachel’s kiss came out of nowhere, but Alex bent back to receive it as the angel knelt beside her two lovers. Alex greedily clutched Lorelei’s hips rather than breaking from her in their climax.
    As soon as their lips met, one of those hands on his shoulders fell away. He knew it would be for Lorelei, a thought confirmed with a change in her breath as she came with him. Rachel’s touch immediately banished his fatigue. Her perfect timing prolonged the moment for all of them.
    The kiss ended, but no one moved apart for the cooldown. All three wanted to savor this. Alex kept one hand on Lorelei’s hip and another in Rachel’s hair. The two women split their attention much the same way.
    “Fucking awesome,” Rachel exhaled. “I needed that. You two. Wow. It’s like you’re trying to seduce me into your heretical orgy-cult.”
    Alex laughed breathlessly, his forehead leaning against hers. “You should join. The high priestess is amazing. And I don’t think it’s technically an orgy until we get more members.”
    “Oh, you make up for lack of numbers with good vibes,” the angel replied. “Besides, I have too much on the agenda tonight. This is the only break I can manage. And you’ve got your other ladies to see.”
    “Hey now. That’s an inaccurate use of possessive labels. I only get that way with you two.”
    Lorelei purred in approval, bending one leg up to caress Alex along the back of his thigh and a little further up. Rachel resisted the appeal of such talk with a shake of her head. “Can’t play tonight, babe. Wish I could. I need a few minutes with Lorelei, though, and you need a shower.”
    “Fair,” he said. Alex didn’t question requests for privacy. They had their own romance to enjoy, and Rachel was right about the rest of the night. Tempting as it was to throw everything to the wind and stay home with Lorelei, they had other people in their lives. Onyx and Molly wanted them at the party. Alex stole another kiss from Rachel and savored one last moment of intimacy with Lorelei before pulling away.
    “If you gotta bail before I’m out, Happy New Year,” he said. “I love you.” Even if the angel alleviated his fatigue, he still half-staggered through the bedroom.
    “I love dat ass,” Rachel laughed as she watched him go. She returned the smile he threw back at her, then sank into the bed beside her other naked lover. “Holy fuck, you two. Did I say that already? Wow.”
    “You say that all the time,” said Lorelei.
    Rachel curled up into her arms, heedless of the sweat coating Lorelei’s body. She took advantage of the moment to maul the other woman a little. “You keep getting better.”
    “He’s no longer guilty or reluctant. I no longer worry about pushing him to a dangerous point.”
    “You two are gonna tear up this town with your rampant fuck-mongering and it’s gonna be awesome,” Rachel sighed.
    “Does the bond still let you feel him? For me it has blended with the curse. I thought your sense of it might fade.”
    “It faded, yeah, but it isn’t gone. I still get wobbly-happy when it’s business time, but I have to concentrate to really feel all the fun. Maybe it’ll fade more. Maybe not. Still connected. For now it sure is a huge help in getting me through the shittier parts of my day.”
    Lorelei stroked her blonde hair. “You have made such

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