Mail Order Bride: Emma's Escape: (Clean Historical Western Romance) (Brides of River Valley Book 1)

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Book: Mail Order Bride: Emma's Escape: (Clean Historical Western Romance) (Brides of River Valley Book 1) by Autumn Vanderbilt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Autumn Vanderbilt
but they needed to keep it secret. Mrs. Hodges, the keeper of the boarding house, had fallen under Lenny’s charms and Leah was convinced he paid her to watch Emma’s every move.
    “Mrs. Hodges, we’re going for a walk,” Leah called out as they grabbed their coats and left.
    “I’m not convinced that Mrs. Hodges is that innocent when it comes to Lenny,” Leah said as they walked down the street. “Anyway, Emma, I have a plan but it requires some action on your part. One of the nurses left to go to Wyoming to be a mail order bride. She answered an advertisement in a newspaper and after a few correspondences, the man sent her a ticket to go to him. It’s your only way out. You can use my name and that way, Mrs. Hodges won’t be suspicious and spy on you. What do you think?”
    “Leah, I’m not sure I could do that. Marry a man without meeting him? No, I want to marry for love.” Emma’s eyes glazed over. Leah needed to bring her back to earth.
    “And look where love got you. I don’t mean to be harsh with you Emma, you’re such a gentle soul but it’s the only thing I can think of. You have to leave the city. Look you don’t have to marry the man but at least you can get away.”
    “You’re right, of course, Leah. I have no choice. Lenny will find me if I stay in the city. I have no other option. Look there’s Mrs. Hodges, is she following us? I think you were right about her.” Leah looked back as Emma spoke and there was Mrs. Hodges trying to look nonchalant as she followed the two women.
    Emma had no option. She was going to be a mail order bride.

Chapter Two
    “Damn and blast. Sorry Lord. I shouldn’t be cursing but I can’t seem to do anything right with this land.” Henry Devine was frustrated. His relationship with the Lord was still developing. He wanted to live more simply, to find a God-fearing woman and raise a family but trying to tame land that didn’t want Henry’s help was exasperating.
    “Henry, why don’t you come by my place? I’ll show you what I did. You might be better off with some cattle rather than trying to get the land ready for planting.” Joel Carter, his neighbor, called out to him.
    “Okay, wait up then.” Henry got on his horse and rode over to Joel.
    “My sister’s here for a visit so we’ll eat like kings while she’s here,” Joel said as they rode along side by side.
    “Are you sure she won’t mind? She’s the one married in Texas?” Joel nodded. He was a man of few words but was a good neighbor especially when Henry first arrived.
    “Let’s go eat first. Jenny’s always cooking. Her husband wants her back soon. But she worries about me when I don’t have a wife. Like I need someone to nag me.” Joel was set in his ways.
    “Jenny, I’ve brung company. It’s that new feller I told you about that bought Greene’s old place.” Joel yelled out as he got off his horse. Henry followed his lead.
    “Welcome. Wash your hands men, I’ll dish up.” Jenny Turner was very different from her brother, refined and judging from the aroma coming from the cabin, an excellent cook.
    “Howdy ma’am, I’m Henry Devine. I’m pleased to meet you.” Henry tilted his hat at her and Jenny did a curtsy. Her brother’s new friend was very tall and handsome.
    “Come on in, Henry and tell me about yourself.”
    Jenny was very chatty. However, Henry wasn’t used to talking about himself so kept the conversation general. She wanted to know why he wasn’t married.
    “My brother is too awkward to burden a woman, so what’s your problem, Henry?”
    Henry wasn’t sure what to say.
    “It isn’t that I’m against the idea, I just don’t know where to find me a wife.” It was true, Henry didn’t know where he’d find a good woman. The women at the Church were either married or the single ladies were too old for his fancy. He didn’t want a saloon girl.
    “You know what I hear is popular now, it’s putting an advertisement in a city newspaper. You

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