EMBER - Part Two (The EMBER Series Book 2)

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Book: EMBER - Part Two (The EMBER Series Book 2) by Deborah Bladon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Deborah Bladon
and I dumped it all onto the table at the apartment in Murray Hill the minute I arrived there. It may not be the best filing system, but it's working for me.  "You looked through those papers?"
    "Those papers are a mess, Bridget. You write notes on napkins, and paper bags and take-out menus."
    "I do that." I nod.
    "I sat at the table to drink the coffee I made myself the other morning when you were still asleep." He grazes his hand over the back of my hair. "I was reading a magazine you had there about some beauty products."
    I pull my hand up to stifle a giggle. "You didn’t read that, did you?"
    "I bought some stuff so I can exfoliate tonight."
    I shake my head, not certain whether he's joking or not. "Your skin is perfect the way it is."
    "Spoken by a true beauty expert." He nuzzles his chin into the side of my hair. "You wrote the details about your appointment today on the cover of that magazine. It was scribbled across the face of the model."
    I remember doing that when Harper's office manager had called to tell me that she needed to change my appointment so it was a day earlier than scheduled. "It was the closest thing I had to write on."
    "I saw it as a sign from the heavens above that I was supposed to meet you there so I could buy you a coffee."
    I look down at my empty hands. "You forgot the coffee part."
    "I can do one better." He points to where a hotdog vendor is standing at the entrance to Central Park. "I can go over there and get my favorite girl a hotdog for lunch, with a pretzel for dessert."
    "I'm your favorite girl?"
    "You're the only girl in the world."
    I stumble over my emotions as I nod faintly knowing that they're not just words meant to romance me, they're coming from his heart and they're pulling every one of my emotions right to the surface.

Chapter 22
    "I'm sorry I can't stay for your appointment, but I'm working tonight. I need to work every night this week."
    I look up into his face as we stand in the lobby of the hospital. I need to check-in for my appointment with Ben in five minutes. I know he's likely running late but I don’t want to hold him up. "I need to get up there."
    "Do you have plans tonight? Can I call you on my break?"
    "You can call me anytime you want." I glance over his shoulder at the large clock hanging on the wall. "Did you want to talk about something in particular?"
    "I hate to do this now when you have to go."
    The words stall me. I know what he's about to say. It's Maisy. We've been blissfully avoiding the subject of his ex-girlfriend since he told me he was willing to give up his house for her. I didn't take that statement literally. I had hoped that we could talk about it more and that I could reassure him that I wanted to be a sounding board for him if he needed that. He has a right to at least the portion of the investment he made in that property and now that I know that he'd sacrifice so much for me, I want to help him get back what's rightfully his.
    "Is it about Maisy?" I ask with little noticeable emotion in my voice. I want to be mature about this. I want him to understand that I don't feel threatened by her, even if I did at one time.
    "I think I have a solution for all of that." He pulls me into his arms. "I think I found a way to finally get her out of my life."
    "And out of the house?" I ask.
              "I know you have to go but I've realized that I don't want to live there anymore. I can't live there. I was there with her."
    I rest my head against his hard chest. "Will you just sell it?"
    "If I moved back in, I'd see her in every room and I'd never be able to bring you there. That was the house I shared with her. I want to start fresh and new."
    The idea of him selling the property and then giving Maisy something to compensate her for her contributions to their living expenses seems more than fair to me. "Have you talked to her about this?"
    He pulls back suddenly. "You have a minute to get up there. You need to go. Tell Ben

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