Rescued by the Billionaire (Billionaire Romance Novel)

Free Rescued by the Billionaire (Billionaire Romance Novel) by Aubrey Michelle Page B

Book: Rescued by the Billionaire (Billionaire Romance Novel) by Aubrey Michelle Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aubrey Michelle
    “But mom! He wants to hear me sing. Don’t you Dave?” she looked to him for support.  
    “Only if it’s okay with your mom.” He smiled at Kelly, nodding his head that he wanted her to.  
    “Okay, but then it’s time to rest. Got it missy?”  
    “Okay. Momma, will you get your phone and play my song?”  
    She grabbed her phone off the kitchen counter and loaded “Trouble”. As it began, she started dancing. Dave was amazed by the way she belted out the tunes; her voice was years beyond her age and very soulful. She entertained her mini audience as the lyrics continued. When the song was over, she bowed her head as they clapped for her.  
    “I’ve never heard such a rich, expressive and passionate voice come from someone so tiny!” Dave complemented.  
    Kelly, a very proud mother, smiled at her daughter’s talent while Emma gleamed with pride. “Alright my little pop star, I think you’ve had enough excitement for one night. Let’s get you laid down.”  
    Emma frowned. “But I like Dave. Can’t I stay up a little longer?” she pleaded with her mom.  
    “It’s okay. We’ll hang out again soon. Your mom’s right, you need to get some rest.”  
    Over the weekend, Emma’s fever continued to come on in waves as her body gradually became stiffer. Kelly was scheduled to work Tuesday morning, but there was no way she was leaving her baby. It was exhausting for both of them to do normal daily tasks such as eating and bathing. Kelly grabbed the bull by the horns on Monday and went to speak with her manager. There was no way she was going to be able to come in that week, and he’d already given her three points the prior week—one for each day that she was gone.  
    “Brian, I’d like to talk to you about my daughter,” Kelly began. “I can’t help that she’s sick and you know that I don’t like missing work. It’s not fair to give me a point for each day that I miss.”  
    “Kelly, you need to understand that this is a business. I can’t operate a business with employees taking off whenever they want. You can appreciate that, right?” he sneered.  
    “Yes Brian, but I’d like to point out that the days are all consecutive, for the same reason and again, I almost never call in. Hell, I even come to work when I’m sick. I’m one of the best waitresses that you have. Can’t you cut me some slack and make it one point?”  
    “If I did that for you, I’d have to do it for everyone. You’ve read what the employee handbook says. I can’t go around bending the rules whenever I want to.”  
    “Brian, I need this job. I work here because it allows me to work around Emma’s school schedule. The money’s not great, especially as of late, but the bottom line is, I can’t afford to get fired because my daughter’s sick. She’s gradually declining and her doctor is working hard to find out what’s causing all of her symptoms.”  
    “What do you want me to say?” Brian said, visibly irritated that Kelly was still pleading with him.  
    “I want you to say that you’ll take back some of the points.” She was on the brink of tears; a lump began forming in her throat out of frustration and anger.  
    “I’m not doing it, Kelly,” he punched the desk. “I’m not bending the rules for you, or for anyone else.”  
    Kelly lowered her voice, “Well, I came in to tell you that I won’t be here at all this week; or at least, not until Emma gets better.”  
    “If you miss a whole week of work, your points are going to rack up pretty fast. You’ll be close to losing your job; the points don’t fall off until their one-year anniversary of the date that they were accrued.”  
    Kelly swallowed, willing herself not to cry. “So you’re telling me that you’d let me lose my job rather than work with me on this? Brian, I’m doing everything….”  
    He cut her off; mocking

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