Lady Westbrook's Discovery

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Book: Lady Westbrook's Discovery by Etta Stark Read Free Book Online
Authors: Etta Stark
Surprisingly, Margaret noted, the look wasn’t directed towards her but to his own wife.
    Once they were inside their carriage, Felix turned to Margaret. “Was that wise?” he asked.
    “She made a snide remark about us. She implied that we had been enjoying sexual relations prior to our wedding!”
    “And you called her stupid. Do you think that was a good idea?”
    “Are you going to punish me for my behaviour?”
    “God, no. How you want to behave amongst Surrey’s gentility is entirely your own business. In fact, if you have spared me having to spend another evening with those puffed-up, self-satisfied parochial bores, I should be most grateful.”
    Margaret let out a relieved giggle. “So you didn’t enjoy yourself this evening, then?”
    Felix grimaced. “I can’t believe we interrupted the lovely time we were having beforehand in order to go to it.”
    “I believe we can always return to our previous activities on our return home,” smiled Margaret.
    He slowly traced the side of her jaw with his fingertips. “I should like that very much, indeed.”
    Margaret was surprised when the Duchess of Waverley came to call on her the very next day.
    She knew that apologies were in order for her sudden departure from the party last night and had steeled herself to make them. She fully expected, however, that she would be the one who would be paying the visit to the Duchess’s home. She hadn’t expected the Duchess to come to her.
    “ Mrs Oliver,” she said, “it has... been brought to my attention that the way I spoke to you last night was very rude. I should not have implied what I did. I would be grateful if you would accept my apologies.”
    “Of course, your Grace. And p lease accept my apologies for the way in which I responded.”
    The Duchess looked relieved. “You are most gracious,” she said. “I trust we can put this sorry incident behind us.”
    “I would be happy to,” said Margaret, wondering at the sudden change in the Duchess’s behaviour. “Would you care to sit down? I shall ring for some tea.”
    A s the Duchess sat down, Margaret could not help noticing that she visibly winced as her bottom made contact with the couch. In fact, the whole time she sat, the Duchess seemed most uncomfortable, shifting her bottom from side to side as though trying to put as little weight as possible onto it.
    Margaret recalled the Duke’s furious expression from the night before and realised that perhaps it wasn’t just Felix who believed that corporal discipline was beneficial to one’s wife’s behaviour.

Chapter Five
    “I’ll be staying at the club in London tonight,” said Felix, collecting his top hat from the hat stand in the hall. “The lecture’s likely to go on late and I want to be on hand to answer any questions.”
    “That’s fine,” said Margaret. She took the hat from his hands and placed it on his head, kissing him quickly on the lips. He placed his hand on her back and pulled her closer for another kiss.
    “Oh, it’s really not,” Felix replied. “Every night I spend away from you feels like a night wasted.”
    “Even if it’s necessary for the advancement of scientific discovery?” she asked, pulling away from his grasp.
    “Even then. God, I waste far too much time messing about with currents and conductors. That time would be far better spent pushing you to new heights of sexual ecstasy.”
    “ Marvellous as that sounds, I don’t want to be responsible for a delay in bringing electricity to the homes of the masses. Go to London. The Royal Institution are expecting you. They’ll be disappointed if you don’t turn up.”
    “You know, we could always take a quick trip upstairs first,” said Felix, running a finger gently up the side of Margaret’s neck.
    “Absolutely not. You told the coachman you’d be ready to leave an hour ago. Besides, I am expecting Jasper at any moment.”
    “Jasper’s coming to visit? I didn’t realise.”
    “I only got his

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