Moon over Madeline Island

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Book: Moon over Madeline Island by Jay Gilbertson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jay Gilbertson
fridge and plops them down on the stump table.
    â€œThis looks great!” We dig spoons into yogurt with bananas and granola. Rocky meows, wanting some. “He really shouldn’t be eating anything other than his special-diet food. ’Course, I wonder if mouse would be considered special diet . I should talk about diet!”
    â€œEve, you’ve been fussing about your bloody weight ever since I met you. I think you should face the fact that you’re…well, you’re a fine figure of a woman. Who the hell wants to be as skinny as I am, anyway?” Ruby asks through crunching granola.
    â€œI appreciate that—I do. I’ve fought with my weight forever! Diets…food plans, rice-only, protein-only, liquid diets…you name it. The only thing that ever really worked was Weight Watchers. But I cheated every chance I could.”
    â€œWe need to back off women nowadays. There’s nothing wrong with just being the best and healthiest you can be…without killing yourself.” She scoops up Rocky under one arm and carries her bowl with the other. “Let’s finish eating out on the porch. Seems a shame to waste all this nice morning sunshine.”
    â€œI love the porch.” I follow her and sit on a cushy love seat.
    â€œI enjoy eating out here when the sun is just beginning to come full force.” Ruby pulls up a wooden stool. “Where were we? Oh yes…women and weight.”
    â€œIt’s all a part of fitting in and not being different and God, I used to hate taking showers in gym class. I had breasts way before the other girls did. I could feel their curious eyes on me. Made me feel so…busty.” I absently pull my sweatshirt out a bit.
    â€œIn my day,” Ruby says with a sigh, “it was pretty much the same…the ‘fitting in’ part. Everyone trying to look like everyone else. I was short and skinny.”
    â€œI know the short part—”
    â€œIn high school it was more important to have your hair rolled just so, your blouse pressed right and a wool skirt with shiny shoes.”
    â€œFor some reason I thought Ed was a high school romance. Were you doing all that fussing for him or…?”
    â€œI met Ed my second year of college. I saw him coming out of the library and just knew he was the one for me. That and the fact that he was the most handsome man I ever laid eyes on. Had the most stubborn head of wild black hair, always falling into his eyes. Green—the greenest eyes.” She looks out to the lake.
    â€œA college romance. Details, I want details!”
    â€œWell, it’s really very simple: we started dating and before you could say ‘Prince Charles has big ears’ we fell madly and completely in love. After he graduated— I still had two years left—we married. I dropped out; the natural thing in that day was to get busy making a family.” Ruby fidgets with her fork.
    â€œThe kid thing…right?”
    â€œWe tried and tried, they didn’t have the fertility drugs that make you have litters back then. No matter what, we couldn’t get me pregnant.” Ruby shakes her head. “Though I have no regrets of all the effort put into it, mind you.” She winks.
    â€œDid you ever stop to think that maybe it was him?”
    â€œI have never told a soul this.” She leans way in. Like someone’s going to hear us out here in the middle of nowhere. “It was him; he was so embarrassed.”
    â€œAh ha!”
    â€œAnd you know, I wasn’t as fired up about having children as Ed was anyway. I think a part of me was so relieved I wouldn’t have to face some possible dread or resentment I may have had towards anything that took time from Ed and me.”
    â€œYou would’ve made a fabulous mother, but I’m glad you couldn’t either. I would’ve been out to lunch as far as you and I…the cottage. Things would have all been

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