The Owned Girl

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Book: The Owned Girl by Dominic Ridler Read Free Book Online
Authors: Dominic Ridler
Tags: Fiction, General, Erótica
for drama. If she was forbidden to do something (for example, she was frequently on orgasm denial), she would complain, texting incessantly about how hard it was to be forbidden physical release, arguing that she didn't deserve this, or cajoling, saying she had been a very good girl, wasn't it time she was allowed to come? She knew that such behaviour was provocative to Matthew. To his mind, she ought to accept his orders without question, go about her business quietly and meekly, and hope that eventually she would gain a reward. Beth's continual whining and whingeing made him increasingly cross, to the point when it would inevitably boil over, and Beth would be punished for her failure to behave as a good submissive should.
        One would think that Beth would learn from this, but seemingly she never did. For example, there was a constant argument about bedtimes. Matthew liked her to go to bed at an early hour, no later than eleven o'clock. He believed that Beth needed eight hours sleep and that her health suffered if she didn't get it. Beth was always moaning that this was too early, always asking if she could stay up late tonight because she had to write her blog or perform some chore. Matthew would scold her for not getting these things done in advance, since she knew what the rules were about bedtime. These disputes would go on and on, and then frequently Beth would have a tantrum, with predictable consequences the next day. Matthew would scold her, administer a severe spanking, then forgive her, and Beth would be good for a while, only to start the same performance before too long.
        The punishment Beth received for her refusal to follow Charles's instructions to masturbate on camera was especially severe. I witnessed it. Matthew was determined to make his point.
        'Your refusal to do as he says is disrespectful not only to him, but to me. I have told you that you are to obey him as you would me. I have told him this is my position. It is therefore more than somewhat humiliating to find that the girl who, as I informed him, was an owned submissive, trained to obey, is surly and recalcitrant. Charles must think that I am a poor sort of Dom if I cannot control you and have you perform simple tasks for him. It's not as if he's fucking you, after all. You are sitting in the comfort and safety of your own room, removed from him by hundreds of miles. I can't see what the problem is.'
        'I feel it's almost like a violation,' Beth whined. 'It's not that I don't like him, but I don't feel about him the same way I feel about you.'
        'But I have told you, at the moment he is issuing instructions; he is me, to all intents and purposes. And you will obey him, I am determined.'
        Beth snivelled. She knew what was coming. Matthew left the room and came back with his cane. It was a thin, whippy bamboo cane. He'd never tried it on me, but it looked as though it could sting like crazy. I saw Beth's expression when she caught sight of it. She visibly quailed. I've heard submissives talk about the cane, how it's different from other implements of discipline. A belt, a whip, a leather tawse, all may hurt a lot, but the cane is different. Being thin, it concentrates a great deal of force into a narrow strip of flesh, rendering the impact more penetrating. Girls know the cane can really bite, know the pain goes deep. And once after a punishment from Matthew, Beth had talked to me about her dread of it, how the very sight of it made her go weak at the knees. Yet on another occasion she told me that when Matthew threatened her with a caning, her cunt clenched. Despite, or even because of, her fear, she grew wet at the very prospect.
        This time, she didn't look like she was getting very wet. Matthew was annoyed with her. He felt she had made him lose face in front of another Dom, after he had told Charles what a good girl she was and how she would do anything he said. So now he was going to make her

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