My Best Friend's Bucket List: Volume One
opened the door. Sloppy Deb came in,
looking rather spiffy and mother-like. She wasn't wearing her
normal jeans, vest, construction boots. Instead of being mommy and
daddy like usual, that day she was just mommy. She wore flats with
a floral pattern dress, no trucker cap like usual, make-up and hair
done up.
    “ Hello, Tuck, where's my
little girl?” Deb said.
    “ She's having breakfast at
the counter.” I said. Deb took off toward Lorrie. I closed the
front door, Dick was leaning on the wall behind it.
    “ So, you gonna seriously
see your mom, dude? After all these years?”
    “ Yeah, so?”
    “ It's just that you're
family is a train wreck, dude. How could your mother possibly help
you get over my death?”
    “ I will never get over
your death, man. You were my fucking brother. There will be no
getting over anything. You will be remembered.”
    “ Thanks, dude.” He paused
a beat. “Remember the time we met those twins at the bar? They both
wanted to fuck me, but I convinced the hot one to convince the
uglier one to fuck you, because you were all emo and
    “ I had always thought the
uglier one just wanted to be with me.”
    “ That could've been the
case. Remember, dude, you are the one controlling me. I'm not
really here, I'm fucking dead.” Dick said.
    “ I know, man. But I still
miss you more than you will ever know.” I said.
    Dick disappeared.
    The Jack Daniels I had hidden from Lorrie,
by drinking it, was wearing off. Sipping a real cup of coffee, Deb
stroked Lorrie's hair as she ate her cereal, I watched the two in
    Was it possible that some parents loved
their children that much?
    Lorrie Lovitt and Sloppy Deb Lovitt walked
me to the door. We stood awkwardly for a minute. Then Deb gave me a
kiss on the cheek. She wished me good luck, then left me and Lorrie
    “ Please hurry back and be
fuckin' careful, Tucker Sawyer. I can't lose you too.” Her eyes
teared up. I brought a single finger to her eye and stroked the
tear away.
    “ Don't waste those on the
idea that I may not come back. I'm just going to Orange County and
because no one REALLY loves me, I'll be back in one piece.” I said,
smiled big.
    “ Sometimes you can be a
real idiot.” Lorrie said, then she hugged me, her mouth against my
right ear. “I love you, you idiot.” She whispered.
    My body froze. I went into shock mode. Those
words on those lips. She must've meant as friends. I felt a panic
attack coming on.
    I broke the hug. Opened the door.
    “ Hey, wait.” Lorrie said.
I paused with my back to her.
    “ Huh?”
    “ There was something I
found, it's for you, I wanted to wait until you got back...” She
trailed off.
    “ What are you talking
    “ I found it at the bottom
of Dick's sock drawer. It's a sealed manila envelope addressed to
    “ I don't know what it
could be.”
    “ Here.” Lorrie produced
the envelope from what seemed like out of nowhere. I took
    “ Thanks. I'll read it when
I get time.” I said.
    Then I got in my car and headed toward
Orange County.
    At my moms apartment door, I knocked, the
thrill of adrenaline pumped up, there was shuffling behind the
closed door. A voice came through the door.
    “ What is it?” Said a
haggard female.
    “ My name is Tucker, I'm
looking for Tabitha Sawyer.”
    “ Shit” Said the voice. The
door opened and a very drunk and most likely high woman stood in
the doorway. From my memories I knew it was her. “Who the fuck are
you? And where's my pizza? I don't play around.”
    “ You're my mom.” I
    “ No pizza, go away.” She
    I retrieved to the Zephyr. I could wait out
her highness or drunkenness. No problem. I sat in the my car
sipping from a medium bottle of warm Jack Daniels. I looked at the
passenger seat. The manila envelope stuck out of the duffel
    I tore the envelope open, it was a lot if
thick papers. The first page caught my eye. I read on and realized
it was Dick's Bucket List. And now, according

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