Johanna: Bride of Michigan (American Mail-Order Bride 26)
living in a household with a staff.”
    He gave her a cockeyed grin. “Yes, Miss.”
    She frowned. Being referred to as ‘Miss’, ‘ma’am’, or ‘Mrs. Worthington’ would take some getting used to. She wanted to tell them to call her Johanna, but she knew that wasn’t done. She might have been a working-class woman, but that much she knew.
    “What do you do when your services aren’t required for driving the buggy?”
    “I help out in the barn.”
    Johanna clapped her hands. “I’d love to take a look at the barn.”
    John shuffled his feet. “I’m not so sure about that. The groomsmen have problems controlling their language in front of ladies.”
    “I’m not worried about that. Go along and tell them I’m coming out there. Sara will come with me,” Johanna informed him.
    John left and Sara hurried toward her. “Is there something I can help you with?”
    “No, I mean … yes. I’d like you to give me a tour of the barn, if you could.”
    Sara wrinkled her nose. “Why do you want to go out there?”
    “Paul insisted I introduce myself to the staff and learn about what they do.”
    “I see. Well, be prepared, the barn doesn’t smell the best.”
    Sara led Johanna through the parlor and down a long hallway. At the end was a door, and they went through it. When they were outside, Johanna found it difficult to breathe at the extravagance of the barn. It looked like a replica of the house, with red brick and green roof. There was even a second floor.
    Johanna carefully descended the stairs that led from the porch and when they made it to the open barn doors, Sara led the way in. A black stallion neighed, stomping his hooves.
    “Not to worry, Mrs. Worthington,” a young boy said. “He’s secured. We’re trying to clean his stall.”
    Johanna gazed down at the boy who wasn’t more than twelve. “And who might you be?”
    “The name is Sam, and I’m the best stable boy in all of Michigan.”
    Johanna had to smile at that and laughter echoed in the barn. “Could you do me a favor and make the introductions?” She winked.
    Sam strolled past the stalls and Johanna followed him, admiring the chestnut thoroughbreds. A man chewing on a piece of straw stared at her like he’d never seen a lady in the barn before. Another man walked up and snatched the man’s hat off his head. “Show some respect,” the man ordered. “Sorry, Mrs. Worthington. Pete isn’t used to seeing a lady in the barn.”
    “I imagine, but I wanted to come out and introduce myself. I’m Mr. Worthington’s wife, Johanna. I’m interested in meeting you and finding out a little more about what you do out here.”
    The stocky man introduced himself. “Well, I’m Riley, the head groomsman. I run the stable and am responsible for both the staff and livestock. I order the feed and make sure the horses are taken care of properly, but Pete here is an excellent groomsman. He has a way with animals, even if he is a bit rusty with his manners.” Which Pete might just be, since he looked rough around the edges. However, he had kind eyes.
    “Not a problem. I figured I startled Pete by coming out here.”
    “I already introduced myself to her,” Sam announced proudly.
    “Do you all stay here?”
    “Yes, we have quarters above the barn. It’s quite cozy,” Riley assured her.
    “I see. Well, I’m trying to manage the household now, and I wanted to at least meet you all. It’s hard to greet you properly otherwise.”
    Johanna glanced around. The bridles and saddles were hung and she had to wrinkle her nose at the smell of manure from the stalls. She couldn’t think of anything else to say, so she thanked the men and went back to the house. She didn’t go through the back again, instead wandering to the side of the house where yellow and orange mums were in full bloom. Breathing in deeply, she enjoyed the fragrance then continued until they passed a small wooden deck where two maids were sitting, relishing a well-earned break,

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