her hands and bowed slightly to Swami Jay, and followed the others out the door.
“Jade, darling! So sorry I missed you earlier this morning.” Bettina bared her teeth as she smiled.
Jade shuddered as Bettina put her arm on her shoulder and pulled her close.
Kimberley, on the other hand, practically threw her arms around both of them. “It’s great having Jade in the Top Moms, isn’t it, Bettina?”
Look at the way she fawns over me, Bettina thought. She’s afraid I’ll cast her aside. I wonder if Jade feels the same way. With Ally threatening a lawsuit, I can’t have any doubts about her, ever.
Bettina’s eyes went from Jade’s to Kimberley’s and back again. Slowly she disentangled herself from the others. “I’ve no doubt, Kimberley, that with your support, Jade will be up to snuff for the task.” She pushed Kimberley away. “Now, beat it. There’s something I need to say to Jade—alone.”
Kimberley’s mouth fell open. She glared openly at Jade.
“My God, quit pouting! This has nothing to do with you.” Bettina studied the nail on the index finger of her right hand, as if it held far more fascination than anything Kimberley could ever say or do. Wasn’t it better to be on Bettina’s radar than under it? She loved the fact that Kimberley would be just as upset in either regard.
Kimberley stalked off without another word.
“I’m just dying to know what poison Ally is spreading to the other Onesies moms. Care to enlighten me?” The lilt in Bettina’s voice did nothing to reassure Jade that their conversation wasn’t going to disappoint one of them.
Better she than Bettina.
Jade bit her lip, then stuttered, “They’re certainly having second thoughts about keeping up any connection with her.”
Bettina smiled. “That’s it? Just ‘second thoughts’? Not outright condemnation?”
“No…I mean, yes—at least, as far as Jillian was concerned. She was pretty upset over Ally’s…er, indiscretions.”
“That one has potential. Not too bright, but a team player nonetheless. Submissive. ” She made a point to emphasize that last word, as if to impress the point: everyone can be replaced.
Jade’s wince may have been induced by the relish with which Bettina stroked that last word, but what caused her to step back was the hatred in Bettina’s voice as she added, “You’ve parsed your words so diplomatically that I now presume Lorna is giving Ally the benefit of the doubt. Shame on her.” She shrugged. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of her. You’ve got bigger fish to fry.”
“Fish…What?” Confused, Jade furrowed her brow.
Bettina turn to Jade. “An issue has come up that affects the well-being of the club, and all of its members—including you.”
Jade frowned. “What…is it something I did?”
“Don’t be silly! Why, you’re practically perfect in every way.” By the way Jade’s brow relaxed, apparently she took Bettina’s sarcasm as the Gospel truth. So be it. “By turning in your friend for her egregious indiscretions, you’ve proven your loyalty to all of us.” Bettina sighed grandly. “Unfortunately, that odious woman may try to threaten us with a lawsuit.”
“Ally wants to sue us?” Unconsciously, Jade took a step back.
“Yes, according to her mad-dog-faux-husband-real-lawyer. Needless to say, it will put many of our members in an uncomfortable—perhaps even compromising—position. We’ve all said or done something we’d prefer to keep private, if you get my drift. Who knows what this Thornton woman will blurt out in an open courtroom? Hell, I guess you know better than me. ”
Jade stared down at her feet and muttered, “Yes, sadly I do.”
Bettina looked sharply at Jade. Ha, she thought. Does Ally know about Jade’s history as a stripper? If so, and Jade’s moneybags hubby is in the dark, it certainly makes things more interesting.
Bettina’s arm went around Jade’s waist. “Well then, perhaps it’s time that