Home For The Holidays (Dirt Track Dogs #6)
back on track with what he was saying. “But I don’t have a problem with the Dirt Track Dogs. In fact, I’m really happy my sister found a family.”
    Blister nodded, respecting his honesty.
    Aaron gave a little laugh. “You guys are like the saints of the shifter world. You know that wild one, Surge? I caught him walking this little old lady across the street the other day. Had his arm tucked in hers, just chatting her ear off, and she was all smiles. Like… who the hell does that anymore? Takes the time to make someone’s day better, make ‘em smile.”
    “Lots of people,” Blister argued. “But clearly, not the ones you know.”
    Aaron nodded in agreement.
    “And don’t tell Surge you saw him. He thinks he’s badass.”
    The human chuckled and it was the first time Blister had heard him laugh. Seconds ticked by as he sobered.
    “I had a woman of my own once.” He rubbed his palms together, staring at them to avoid Blister’s gaze. “I looked at her the same way you look at my sister. It’s how I know you love her.”
    Blister let the information sink in. If Aaron had loved someone the way he loved Annie… the broken glimpse of him that first night made sense now.
    “What happened?”
    Slowly, he shook his head. “Changers.”
    Blister scowled, not understanding. Now he was the one who needed details. But before he could ask, Aaron stood and headed toward the door.
    “Another story for another time,” he said, turning the handle. “Tell my sister I dropped by.”
    And then he was gone, leaving Blister blinking in his wake.
    Two days later…
    Annie practiced the breathing techniques Destiny taught her, but it was doing nothing for the pain. Her insides felt like a sponge being squeezed in a giant’s ugly fist for thirty seconds straight.
    Every. Damn. Minute. Or less. She wasn’t sure anymore. Time had no meaning. Only thing she was sure of was she knew what the Virgin Mary felt like. And she couldn’t imagine doing this in a stable with cows mooing at her.
    God, help . I’m a good person, please help .
    A downstairs bedroom had been turned into a birthing area. But only the pack mates and Blister were there. Annie had seen a mid-wife throughout the pregnancy, but of course she couldn’t be there for the birth. Couldn’t take a chance that someone would slip and she’d learn what they were. And as an extra measure of safety, Doc Davis from the Ouachita cat clan was on call in case of an emergency.
    Another contraction gripped Annie’s body, and she let out a pained groan that sounded like scraping ice off a frozen windshield.
    “Shit.” Blister’s voice trembled, concern making his brow crease like one of those wrinkly puppies. “Can’t I just use my bond a little?” he pleaded to Destiny.
    Punk answered for her. “No, damn it. It’ll stop the progression. All it will do is prolong the delivery.”
    “No,” Annie blurted. “No, no, no. No pro…” She grunted through another squeeze. “…longing it. Please .”
    “We’re getting close,” Destiny told Blister, her voice a touch calmer than Punk’s. “She’s strong. Everything is good.”
    Annie reached blindly for his hand as the contraction eased away. She might have a few seconds of relief. He gripped it tight and brought a cool washrag to her forehead. She met his worried eyes and tried to look okay, but she knew it was an epic failure.
    “So sorry,” he murmured. “So sorry, angel.”
    She shook her head, feeling another contraction starting. “No. Our baby’s almost here. Don’t say that to me.”
    “Wh-what should I say?”
    A scream ripped from her throat. This one was worse than the others. Fuck . Fuck? God, she hoped that hadn’t slipped from her mouth. She’d never live it down.
    “Tell her encouraging things,” Destiny coached. “Cheer her on. Now isn’t the time for regrets.”
    “Encouraging. Okay. Yeah. Got it.”
    The contraction faded, but this time there was no period of relief before the

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