Christmas Under Western Skies

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Book: Christmas Under Western Skies by Anna Schmidt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anna Schmidt
fire, and heard the children hadn’t come in today,” Glory called as soon as she judged herself to be within Julianne’s earshot. “Are they sick?”
    Julianne nodded. “Stomach,” she explained.
    Glory nodded. “Thought that might be it. There’s something going around. I brought the makings for my chicory tea. It will help ease the tenderness and help them keep down some food.”
    Nathan halted the team of horses and jumped down. “Here, let me take those,” he said relieving Julianne of the bundle of sticks and branches. In spite of the fact that they were both wearing gloves, her breath caught at the sudden nearness of him. He loaded the kindling into the back of the wagon then held out his hand to her, offering her help in climbing onto the seat.
    Riding between Glory and Nathan on a seat designed for two people, Julianne had trouble concentrating on the older woman’s chatter.
    â€œâ€¦thought Nathan might take a ride over your land and help you decide.”
    â€œWhere to put the orchard,” Glory said, and she pulled off her mitten and placed the back of her hand on Julianne’s cheek. “You’re not coming down with this thing, are you?”
    â€œNo, I’m fine.”
    They had reached the yard and the cabin door was open a crack. She could see Luke watching them.
    â€œLuke Cooper,” Julianne called, “you shut that door and get back in bed now.”
    â€œI’ll take care of the children,” Glory said as Nathan returned from storing the kindling. “You two head on out while you’ve got a bit of decent weather.”
    Julianne was well aware that once Glory settled ona plan, there was no changing her mind, so she scooted herself to the far edge of the wagon seat and waited for Nathan to take the reins.
    But the silence that stretched between them as he guided the team and wagon overland was more unsettling than conversation could ever be. Julianne searched for some normal opener and could not believe that the first thing out of her mouth was, “Why did you never marry, Nathan?”
    His fingers tightened on the reins and he was looking at the horizon rather than at her.
    â€œI don’t mean to pry,” she said. “It’s just that there was a photo of a young woman among your things.”
    â€œRebecca.” He offered no further explanation.
    Now that she had brought the subject up, Julianne could not seem to let it go. “Your sister?”
    â€œNo.” His normally gentle voice was tense, almost angry.
    â€œThen who?”
    He heaved a sigh of exasperation. “Rebecca and I were to be married after the war. She promised to wait for me, but I suppose that she had not imagined it would take four years. She did not wait. She married another.”
    â€œI’m sorry,” Julianne murmured.
    â€œMy best friend,” he added, as though she had asked.
    â€œI’m sorry,” she repeated, and wished with all her heart she had never brought the matter to light. Clearly,he was still in love with the woman. “So your brother is not the only reason you’re bound for California?”
    â€œI came west for two reasons. After the years I spent on the battlefield I wanted to find a place where—a place to start fresh.”
    â€œAnd you wish to be reunited with your brother,” Julianne added.
    His fingers slackened slightly on the reins and the tension in his shoulders eased. “It’s important that Jake know he wasn’t disowned by everyone in the family—that he still has a brother.”
    The wave of disappointment that coursed through her veins took Julianne by surprise. Surely it was beneath her to resent a man she’d never known—would never know—a young man who had left home and family because he thought that was his only choice. But if Nathan was to find his brother, he would have to leave

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