The Changeling (Book One of The Síofra Chronicles)

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Book: The Changeling (Book One of The Síofra Chronicles) by K.R. Wilburn Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.R. Wilburn
and watched the sea for a while, willing myself not to be impatient and thinking of all the wonderful things I had learned since I had finally accepted that everything he had told me was true.  I was a changeling. 
    It was strange to think that my soul was different than everyone around me, and except for those moments that I spent among the Fae instead of dreaming, it was easy to convince myself that it was a crazy break from reality probably brought on from the stress of being away from home for the first time in my life and trying to muddle my way through playing grown up when I didn’t feel like a grown up yet.
    I soon grew bored waiting for him and decided instead to walk along the shore and try to catch a glimpse of the kelpies playing in the surf again. 
    The kelpies made their home in the depths of the sea, but Aleksander had shown me places along the cliffs where they liked to frolic on the beach, their beautiful horse-like bodies graceful and entrancing as they ran along the sands.  He had warned me not to get too close, as they were capable of shifting forms and working their magic upon unsuspecting mortals as they made their way between the worlds.  I wasn't exactly a mortal anymore, but I wasn't willing to find out how well their magic worked on semi sort-of mortals, so I followed a path up to the edge of the cliffs and settled in to watch them from a safe distance.
    I wondered how exactly they managed to move between the worlds when the Fae couldn't.  Perhaps there was a weak spot between the dimensions in the sea that Fae couldn't reach?  Truthfully, I wasn't even sure how it was that I managed to pass through the barriers between the worlds when Aleksander couldn't.
    The Kelpies were hypnotically beautiful creatures, and I pitied the unsuspecting mortal who fell under their spell, only to be dragged back here and forced to be their servants. They were amazing to behold, but it still astounded me that such graceful and beautiful creatures could mask such a terrible nature underneath.
    A voice interrupted my thoughts, startling me. "Beautiful, aren't they?"
    I turned and saw a handsome young man standing next to me and was unsettled that I hadn't heard him coming.  He had hair so blond and pale it appeared white in the moonlight and cheekbones that seemed to be carved from marble. He might have looked appealing except for his eyes. They were as green as mine, but there was something about the shape. It was as if they were too large for his face, too long and harsh. I had to tear my gaze away from them and felt horrible for staring.
    "They are," I agreed.  His full lips pulled into a welcoming smile.  I climbed to my feet and offered the stranger my hand.  "I’m Cassie."
    He stared at my hand curiously but made no move to take it.  I let it fall limply to my side, my face coloring in embarrassment. 
    "You may call me Niall," he replied politely.  "If I may be so bold, what is a young Síofra such as yourself doing without a Caomhnóir at her side?" His strange eyes glittered with interest.
    "I think I fell asleep early," I said sheepishly.  "I waited for a while but he hasn't come yet, so I figured I would come watch the Kelpies while I waited."  I chewed my lip and wondered if perhaps I should have waited longer. I promised myself that as soon as I could ditch the stranger I would head right back down to the beach and wait patiently for Aleksander.
    "Hm," Niall said, stroking his chin thoughtfully.  "And which of the Caomhnóir has been tasked with your keeping, young one?" 
    I bristled at his words, as if I were a wayward child running amok.
    "Aleksander," I said.
    "Ah, yes. I am acquainted with him," he replied, his eyes lighting up and a broad grin stretching across his face.  "He was near the piskie nests when I saw him last.  Has he taken you to see them yet?"
    I shook my head. “I’ve never even heard of a piskie.”
    "Ah, no matter," he chirped, discarding his earlier distaste and

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