Everything to Live For: The Inspirational Story of Turia Pitt

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Book: Everything to Live For: The Inspirational Story of Turia Pitt by Turia Pitt Read Free Book Online
Authors: Turia Pitt
Tags: Non-Fiction
Those two would then have to be off-loaded in the nearest clearing while Paul came back for two more, after which he would retrieve the first two.
    Dr Brahm elected to go first with Kate, as she appeared to be the less injured and more able to cope with two moves in and out of the helicopter; Sarel would go second with Turia.
    Bryn verbally guided Paul in on the first approach while Summers knelt on the edge of the cliff controlling things on the ground. Once Paul had the right skid of the helicopter fully on the edge of the cliff, he hovered while Summers held the door open and Dr Brahm and others helped Kate get on board.
    Paul flew to the nearest available unburnt patch where he could land, about a kilometre away, and unloaded Dr Brahm and Kate. Bryn then climbed into the rear of the cabin, where he would be in a position to guide Paul in more effectively for the second approach.
    Nathan Summers was no longer on the ridge to assist with the second pick-up as he was already making his way down into the valley to guide Michael, Martin, Mary Gadams – and those helping them – to his helicopter so he could fly them out to hospital.
    The following is the patter between Paul and Bryn during what turned out to be the most extraordinary rescue of Turia:
    On approach:
Cabin secure, clear for doors open.
Clear doors open. [Rear door is opened for better visibility.]
Area is clear. Patient in same position, caution loose objects again. [Potential for loose flying objects.]
    On landing:
Main tail and rotors clear; move right 2 metres.
Two, one, hold. [Paul positioned the helicopter directly above the cliff ledge.] Mains clear of the slope but it’s close. Tails clear over the edge; right skid above cliff four feet – three, two, one, toes on; heels on hold! Position.
    Paul had landed his right skid on the ledge, with sloping ground to the rear, and balanced the helicopter precariously for what seemed an eternity to him, although in reality was just minutes; things were slightly tense.
Where are they?
They’re just getting up.
    Bryn signalled for Sarel and those helping Turia to limp to the helicopter to hurry up: the delay – agonising for Paul – was because Turia’s feet had swollen up enormously, and those on the ground were trying to get her shoes off before walking her to the hovering chopper.
Patient approaching from the right rear, clear of the main rotors.
    As Rod Rutherford strained to hold the door open, Bryn reached out to help Turia into the helicopter, something he found very difficult as her burns were so extensive – her epidermis (outer layer of skin) was completely burnt and flaking off, revealing her second layer of skin (the dermis) with its white, leathery charred appearance. This meant it wasn’t possible for him to just grab her arms and pull her in.
    Loading and departure:
Patient at the skids; coming on board; moving across the cabin; medic at the skids; coming on board; in his seat.
    These movements had to be done slowly as they altered the weight and balance of the helicopter, which Paul had to correct with the controls. At the same time, the spinning rotors were kicking up ash and dust into the faces of those assisting on the ground.
Doors closed; seat belts coming on . . . people are clear to move away.
Roger. 3
    Paul – adrenalin still pumping but relieved to be safely away – then flew back down to pick up Kate and Dr Brahm. Once they were on board, Turia sat opposite Sarel and Kate sat opposite Dr Brahm. Sarel administered more pain relief. And they headed for Kununurra.
    During the return flight, Bryn made several calls, one of which was to ask for an ambulance to meet them at the purpose-built ambulance shed at the Heliwork base. When he called the hospital and explained the critical injuries of the two passengers to the emergency nurse, the immediate change in the tone of her voice told

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