Danger Money

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Book: Danger Money by John Van Stry Read Free Book Online
Authors: John Van Stry
Tags: Fiction, Science-Fiction, furry
said looking at her.
    "It looked like a fair fight to me."
    "It wasn't really." I smiled, "If it wasn't for all that beer I drank it would have been even easier."
    "You've done this before?" She looked up at me, eyes wide and ears splayed.
    "Too many times to count." I reached over and put my hand under her muzzle, "It's what I do." And I leaned over and kissed her.

    It was still dark when I awoke, Sil was curled up inside my arms with her head against my chest. I looked at the clock on the makeshift nightstand and saw that it was actually after eight. Then I remembered that there weren't any windows down here, hence the darkness.
    Sil stirred a little and I looked down at the outline of her head in the darkness, the weak light of the clock more than enough for my eyes. I had to smile, she didn't ask any questions that I didn't want to answer. She just accepted things the way they were and lived with it. No worries, no fears, tomorrow will be a better day. I really appreciated the optimism of youth, and its vigor too! I smiled again when I thought about last night.
    I just lay there relaxing with my nose in the fur of her head enjoying her scent and the moment. I tried to imagine what it would be like to have a normal life, living like this. It had been so long since I'd been in main stream society, I don't know if I could ever go back even if I did get the chance.
    I felt Sil start to stir, then stretch as she woke up herself.
    "Morning, sleepyhead," I grinned in the darkness.
    "What time is it anyway?"
    " Eight twenty ."
    "Eight! Boy you really tire a girl out! I'm gonna be late for work." She hopped out of bed and turned on a light.
    "Me?" I asked surprised, "You're the one who kept encouraging me!"
    "Umm, welllll." Her tail curled down as her ears disappeared in embarrassment.
    I laughed at her discomfort. "So where do you have to go?"
    "Well, first I need to go up the street to the public bathhouse. We can take a shower there pretty cheap. Then I have to show up at the bar to help with the morning service."
    "How many hours you work there anyway?"
    "About sixteen a day, sometimes more, sometimes less. I need all the money I can get if I'm going to go back to school next year."
    "How's the pay?" I asked getting up and grabbing my coveralls.
    "Lousy, but it's the best I can get with the little training I have."
    "What do you want to be?" I asked walking up behind her.
    "I'm going to be a nurse I guess," She said with a heavy sigh.
    I put my arms around her and kissed the top of her head, "But what do you want to be?"
    "A doctor," she said simply.
    "So why don't you?"
    "I can't afford that kind of training, I'll be lucky if I can afford the nurse's courses." She gently freed herself from my arms. "I have to get going, I can't afford to be late Jotun."
    "Call me Jo, please" I said following her out the door.
    "Sure Jo," she turned and smiled. "So what are you going to do today?"
    I thought about that, "I haven't the slightest idea. I don't even know where my friends are, just what day and time to be back at the ship."
    "I don't think you'll have too much trouble finding them Jo."
    "I don't know if I want too," I admitted putting my arm around her as we headed down the street to the Baths. "I kind of like the present company."
    "I have to work Jo,"
    "Well, how about a proposition?" I had an idea.
    "I'm not a prostitute!" She said hotly and tried to move away.
    I dragged her back, "Good, I wouldn't know what to do with one anyway."
    "Yeah right," she said.
    "Listen up, I'm on my first vacation in longer than I can remember and I don't know the town or what to do even. You show me around, and I'll cover your pay."
    We went inside the building and paid the machine for a stall.
    "Just as long as you understand you're not buying me." She reminded as I followed her into the same stall.
    "I thought you were free!" I laughed and she turned the water nozzle in my face.
    "Only to you Jo!" And laughed herself as I

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