Another One Bites the Dust
hand down from his face, and inspected the cut on his head.  Tiny stitches bisected the cut, holding it together.  It would leave one hell of a scar unless he did something about it.  The wound wasn’t bleeding, and I felt a knot of sickness well in my throat again.  Leaning down, I gave his cut the lightest of kisses before leaning back and looking into his eyes.  Which were heated.
    “I know you.”  He said roughly.
    Fuck me.  His gravelly voice sent shivers down my spine.  My nipples beaded, and I licked my lips wishing that I could take him right here and now.  “You do.”
    “Should we give you two some space?  Y’all aren’t going to have sex in front of us, right?  You know, for my virgin sensitivities and all.”  Ember said sarcastically from behind me.
    I ignored her, and ran my hand down over his arm letting it settle on the thick cast. 
    “This is her, isn’t it Emmie?”  Max asked.
    My eyes shot up from the cast to his face, and I heard Ember laugh her sadistic laugh and say, “I knew you would remember her!”
    “I don’t actually.  I just know it’s her.  She makes my dick hard.”  Max declared.
    “Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Max.”  I said before reaching up and tweaking his nipple.
    He laughed, and flinched away from my hand, acting for the entire world as if he didn’t just fall out of the sky on a helicopter.
    “That’s just sick.”  Ember squealed and covered her ears repeating, “lalalala” over and over again.
    Gabe just rolled his eyes, and ran his hand up and down the length of her thigh.  Max’s eyes narrowed, and Gabe’s hand stopped the movement.  He seemed to understand that it was upsetting him, so he stopped to keep Max from getting out of bed and starting something he couldn’t finish.
    The nurse came in soon after Ember’s outburst, and gave her an annoyed look before walking up to the bed on the opposite side of me.  Her eyes flickered when she noticed my hand resting lightly on Max’s cast, and I made note of her nametag that read Jenny Fields, R.N.  So, this was the bitch who signed his cast.
    I sat my ass down on the side of Max’s bed, and his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me more firmly into his side. 
    Her face went mottled, and she said, “Hospital Regulations say you can’t be in the bed with the patient.”
    “Actually, hospital regulations don’t say shit about being in bed with a patient.”  I countered.
    Max’s body started shaking, and I couldn’t help but roll my eyes at him.  “Do you have a marker?”
    “On the table beside you.  Ember brought it.”  He said.
    How he could make those simple words sound so sexy, I don’t know, but I could feel myself getting wet.  I wanted to jump him, ride him like a cowgirl until I couldn’t see straight.
    He must have sensed where my thoughts had gone, because he reached down and adjusted himself under his blankets.  My eyes were attracted to the junction of his legs, and I couldn’t stop the satisfied smirk that lifted the corner of my mouth.  Good, if I had to be horny, so did he.  At least he didn’t have to walk around with an oil slick between his legs the rest of the night.
    Pulling away from his hold, I took the marker off the bedside table and went to work on his cast.  I was distracted for a few minutes, but my attention came back in a snap when the nurse started pulling his blankets down.
    “What are you doing?”  I demanded.
    “Checking his catheter, it doesn’t seem to be producing correctly; I think there is a kink.”  Jenny the giglio said.
    “What do you mean it doesn’t seem to be producing correctly?  Is there any urine in the bag?”  I asked.
    “Yes.”  She huffed.
    “Well then it’s fucking fine.”  I snarled.
    “Well there isn’t as much now as there was earlier.  I was just going to check it.”  She argued.
    “Jesus, lady.  Get out.  I’ll check it, but I know for certain it’s fine.”  I said as I came

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