INSOMNIAC: ALAN SMITH #2 (Alan Smith series)

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Book: INSOMNIAC: ALAN SMITH #2 (Alan Smith series) by ARKOPAUL DAS Read Free Book Online
red ink, written in block letters, it’s written ‘YOU  DON’T GIVE  IT. YOU’LL BE DEAD ’.It took nearly the whole page, from the middle till the bottom.
    ‘Now that is some kind of threat for sure’ said Kevin quite astounded by Ryan’s discovery.
    ‘So you see, checking some waste papers are also important’ said Ryan ‘And look at this, it’s the seventeenth page , so not always everyone will look into that part of a waste paper. They would think these are shit just like you thought’
    ‘At least I am not the only person who thought so’ Kevin got something to defend himself.
    ‘Anyway so what do you think about this?’
    ‘First of all it’s a threat. Second , someone is quite angry. And third, the person who wrote this is asking for something’
    ‘Right’ said Ryan ‘Your third part is the main part here. And also Mr. Brown knew this man who wrote this all along that’s why this man was not bothered to describe anything about the thing he was looking for’
    ‘He knew that Mr. Brown will understand who is this’ Kevin added.
    ‘But what is this man asking for? What can Mr. Brown have in his possession that our killer or whoever , wants to take?’
    ‘Something that might prove very fatal to this killer’
    ‘Sure, but we searched his whole house, even the CSU did it, but we didn’t find anything?’
    ‘No we didn’t’ said Ryan thinking ‘but we also didn’t find  Mr. Brown himself, so it’s highly possible that the thing he had....he took it with him’
    ‘And that’s the reason he’s hiding, he knows the danger, but still he doesn’t wanna let go of whatever he have’
    ‘And that’s always been the major problem for us, we cannot find anyone. First Henry Roberts and now Paul Brown’
    ‘But this will alter the case, or our theories’
    ‘What will?’
    ‘This disappearance of Paul Brown’
    ‘What will it alter?’
    ‘That means he is not the killer, but somebody else is, who is behind him right now. It’s convoluted and is complete the opposite of what we were thinking, right?’
    ‘True’ said Kevin who rarely agrees with Ryan.
    ‘Now what is that thing so him and to someone else?’
    ‘There’s the problem, I can’t see anything valuable that a normal news reporter might have’
    ‘Yeah, me too’
    ‘And I hope wherever he’s hiddin’ , he’s not dead’
    ‘I too was thinking that’ this time Ryan agreed ‘These men are so desperate that they would leave no stone unturned to get what they’re looking for, they might even consider killing someone in order to get it’
    ‘And the only thing we can do is search for him’
    ‘And if we don’t find him soon, we would surely find him dead later’
    ‘Yes, and he’s the key to all the information we need, so we get him, we unlock another level. Or else we will forever remain stuck here’
    ‘I would not think like that. So negatively. But yes you’re right’
    PART 3
    The man was standing looking around the street, leaning on the wall of a coffee shop. He didn’t drink coffee, he just watched the car ahead which just came and the driver who seemed to be the owner, parked it on the other side of the road.
    The owner of the car came out and entered the building next to it. The car was an expensive one, an Audi A7 shining as if it was just out of the showroom for a test drive. It was also black. And it was also better than the SUV he tried his hands on that night. No regrets, he thought.
    He quickly cruised across the street looking at both sides and reached the car. He checked the exterior in a way that no one would be suspicious about what he was doing. He was all-normal.
    He pulled the door, it was locked. But he had some cool keys and equipments with him to unlock it , as he went inside and started the engine with a push button start. So far so good. No worries until now, and he was nearly done, so that was not a problem as well. But as soon as he gave the first

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