Her Lion Billionaire

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Book: Her Lion Billionaire by Lizzie Lynn Lee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lizzie Lynn Lee
into a nearby park. For some reason, she couldn’t get rid of the bad feeling that had plagued her since morning.
    She was in deep thought when she heard a screech of brakes. By the time she paid attention, she only saw the windshield of a car.
    Everything went black.
    The sales director had just begun his presentation when Daniel’s executive assistant informed him that he had an urgent call from Anika. Daniel frowned. His sister knew he didn’t like being interrupted while he conducted his business. For her to interrupt him like this, it had to be important.
    Daniel took the phone from his assistant and said, “Please hold.” He stood up and said to everybody, “Excuse me, gentlemen. I have an urgent phone call to attend to. In the meantime, Mr. Bennet will act as my stand in.”
    There was murmuring as Daniel left the conference room. Once outside, he took the call. “Daniel speaking.”
    “Danny, thank God, finally! I’m at Harborview Hospital right now. You have to come. Charlotte’s had an accident, and she’s in the surgery.”
    “Slow down, sis. I’m not quite following you. Charlotte is supposed to be at the hotel. Tell me from the beginning.”
    “Charlotte and I were supposed to have lunch today. I came to the hotel a little after eleven. When I rang to the room, nobody answered, so I waited in the lobby. But then the hotel manager came to say that there had been an accident. Charlotte got hit by a car in the park. I rushed here with the detective from SPD.”
    Daniel’s heart stopped beating for a second. He felt as if he’d swallowed lead, and he was unable to find his voice as his brain registered the news. “Charlotte had an accident? She’s in surgery?”
    “Yes. You have to come! Now! Harborview Hospital. Come quick!”
    “I’ll be there.” Daniel disconnected.
    His assistant was loitering a few feet from the conference room, looking anxious. She broke into a sprint when Daniel called to her. He gave her the phone. “There’s been an emergency in the family, and I will be indisposed for a while. Let Vice President Bennet know that I want him to act on my behalf in negotiating the Miramax contract.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    “Have Prescott bring the car around the front.”
    “Yes, sir.”
    Daniel smoothed his suit jacket as he headed towards the elevator. His other assistant trailed after him while asking him a barrage of questions. Daniel didn’t feel like answering any at the moment and hushed him away. He was deeply perturbed. And worried as hell. How the hell had something like this happened? Getting hit by a car twice in a month… it was almost surreal.
    His chauffeur, Prescott, was waiting by the time Daniel exited the building. “Harborview Hospital,” said Daniel.
    “Yes, sir.”
    “And please hurry. It’s urgent.”
    “Very well, sir.”
    The ride to the hospital was rather uneventful. He called Anika twice on the cell, but there were no new developments. His sister was still waiting for the outcome of the surgery.
    He arrived at the hospital twenty-minutes later, and Anika jumped from her seat when she saw him.
    “Oh, Danny.” Anika hugged him. “This is terrible.”
    “How is she?” Daniel asked.
    “No changes yet.” Anika introduced the two gentlemen with her. “Danny, this is Detective Harper, the man handling this case. And this is Captain Burke from Seattle PD.”
    They shook hands. “How do you do?” said Daniel, keeping his professional demeanor.
    The captain and the detective exchanged pleasantries with Daniel. “I’m sorry to have to meet you under such circumstance, Mr. Addington,” Captain Burke added.
    “When did the accident happen?” asked Daniel.
    The detective flipped open his notepad. “The accident happened at 10.45 AM in Mansfield Park. There was a witness—an elderly woman walking a dog saw a white pickup truck cutting through the park. The driver tried to avoid a girl on a bike but overcompensated and hit Ms.

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