a simple knot at the top of her head, she reached for her blue shawl and wrapped it over her dress.
Halfway to the door, Liliane paused and turned back towards her valise. She retrieved the small pistol Sin had given her earlier in the day, and regarded it slowly. This one was slightly different from the one she’d practiced with. It was adorned with intricate engraving on the ivory grips and along the metal barrel. Turning it over and testing its weight, she considered whether she should take it with her. Surely there was no point. After all, what harm could befall her in a simple country inn? Just imagine the reaction in the dining room if the pistol was to accidentally discharge.
Reaching back into her valise, Liliane withdrew the knife Solange had packed. She removed it from the leather sheath and dragged her thumb lightly across the blade to test its sharpness. She was never likely to have to use it, but it gave her a measure of confidence. Returning it to the sheath she slipped it into the pocket of her gown and adjusted the garment to compensate for the additional weight.
Downstairs, similar to the inn in Solange’s village, the tap room was filled with local farmers and merchants. Apparently today had been a market day. Judging by the tone of the conversation, though, it had not been a particularly prosperous one. A general air of disgruntlement sat heavy in the room and speculation was rife as to when Napoleon intended to invade England. She listened carefully. While it was apparent everyone was in support of Napoleon’s crusade, not everyone was happy that a large portion of their produce had been requisitioned to feed the armies amassed along the coast.
Liliane paused and glanced around uncertainly. She would need to walk through the inn’s patrons in order to access the dining room on the other side of the courtyard. The dirt floor was slightly wet underfoot and the smell of the closely packed bodies was stifling. Unaccustomed to such surrounds, she pulled her shawl tighter and proceeded across the room, keeping her eyes averted for fear of attracting attention to herself. A sudden shout from the bar was followed by a number of raised voices. A patron accused another of spilling his drink, shoving him backwards to emphasise his point. The anticipation of a fight instantly had the other men clamouring to see what was happening.
Liliane’s heart rate accelerated as an elbow sailed past her face. Instinctively she ducked. Gracious, that would have left her with a black eye had it connected. From behind a heavy blow landed on her ribs. She staggered back, flailing momentarily, before her bottom landed heavily on the dirt floor and her breath raced from her lungs. Oh God . She lunged to the side, narrowly missing a foot being planted on her face. Her eyes stung from the pain in her backside. She really needed to get out of here, and fast. She flipped onto her hands and knees and looked about for an opening in the crowd. She spied her opportunity and leaped to her feet, only to be knocked backwards yet again. Instead of colliding with the floor, she was brutally hauled up against a large chest, its owner locking his arms about her midriff.
Oh good Lord . The smell emanating from him suggested he’d been tending swine all day. Acid rose in her throat as she tried to step away, only to be drawn tighter into his hold. Daring to look back over her shoulder she was confronted with a rough and unshaven face. And a nose that had obviously been broken on more than one occasion. She cringed away from him as his hands moved up from her waist to roughly grip her breasts. He squeezed and pinched, sending torrents of pain shooting through her.
How dare the bastard! She twisted her head around and sunk her teeth deep into his arm. And bit, hard. His howl of fury set her ears ringing. Rather than release her though, he transferred his hold to her hair and violently dragged her away from his arm before flinging her back