The Whisperer (Nightmare Hall)

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Book: The Whisperer (Nightmare Hall) by Diane Hoh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Diane Hoh
was heavy with sarcasm. “Because you all love her so much, I guess.”
    “Tandy …”
    “So they transferred her to the infirmary to recuperate. I’m sure the line of visitors will go all the way around the building.” More sarcasm. “She still can’t walk, so a physical therapist comes out from Twin Falls every day to work with her.” Tandy laughed. “Now, there’s a job for you. I think Stark is a great teacher, but I wouldn’t want to be the person who has to force her to do painful exercises. One withering glance, and the poor therapist will probably run for the hills.”
    Shea wondered briefly when Tandy had talked to Coop. She wasn’t still interested in him, was she?
    Shea walked to the window and looked out over campus. A quiet Sunday morning, the slate-gray sky promising rain before noon. Good. Gloomy weather would match her mood. The sun had no business shining when so many things were wrong.
    “Want to come with me?” she asked as she turned away from the window.
    “Can’t. Heavy date. I’m going canoeing with Paul Sanderson from psych class.”
    Paul, not Coop. Good. “I don’t think so, Tandy.” Shea slipped into a pair of jeans and khaki crop top. “It’s going to pour. Your canoe will get swamped.”
    Tandy shrugged. “Then we’ll do something else. I hardly know Bethany, Shea. If you want to play angel of mercy, be my guest, but count me out.”
    “I thought you were one of Dr. Stark’s few fans. Aren’t you going to visit her?”
    “I can’t stand being around sick people. Besides, would I really cancel a great date to spend time with a bio teacher? Reality check, Shea.”
    Shea went to the infirmary alone.
    Bethany was awake, but she was still ghostly white, with navy-blue shadows under her eyes. She lay quietly in the infirmary bed. She seemed surprised to see Shea. Annette, sitting in a straight-backed wooden chair beside the patient’s bed, looked equally surprised.
    I don’t blame them, Shea thought, wondering if she’d made a grave tactical error. She didn’t know Bethany very well, either. Wasn’t her unexpected visit likely to arouse suspicion?
    She felt as if the word GUILTY was emblazoned across her face in vivid red paint. “I … I was visiting Dr. Stark,” she said hastily. “Thought I’d just stop in and see how you were doing, Bethany. Are you okay?” Say yes, Shea commanded silently.
    “Sure,” Bethany answered quietly. “I’m fine, Shea. It was nice of you to stop by. Have you heard if they’ve found out who threw that horrible thing into our room?”
    Conscious of Annette’s brown eyes on her, Shea somehow managed to say, “No, I haven’t. But I’m sure it was just meant as a stupid practical joke.”
    “Some joke!” Annette said with contempt.
    Shea couldn’t stay another second. If she did, she was liable to confess everything and beg Bethany and Annette to forgive her.
    “Glad you’re feeling better,” she said. “Gotta go. I’m going to spend this lovely rainy day hitting the books.”
    “If you hear anything,” Annette said, “about who did this, I mean, let us know.”
    Shea thought for a split second that she saw something in Annette’s eyes, heard something in her voice.
    I don’t know anything about the person behind it, she thought as she approached the reception desk. Except that he whispers. And enjoys making people dance to his tune. That’s all I know.
    Afraid that Annette or Bethany might find out that she hadn’t been there to visit Dr. Stark, Shea impulsively asked the receptionist, “Is Dr. Stark seeing visitors?”
    The receptionist, who appeared to be a student volunteer, laughed. “If she had any, she’d probably see them. I don’t expect a mad rush now that she’s here with us. She’s not exactly the most popular person on campus.”
    “Doesn’t she have any family? Friends?”
    “I guess not. The only person who’s been in to see her since she got here this morning was one of her students. Guy

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