Do Not Disturb

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Book: Do Not Disturb by Lisa Ballenger Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lisa Ballenger
Probably had a heart attack. You
know he eats like a horse. That man." Ruth slapped her husband's leg.
"He's your age isn't he J.T.?"
    "Sure is Ruth." J.T. grinned, deep lines
forming in the leathery skin on his forehead. "But he's been smoking and
drinking all his life." He winked at Allison. "He didn't have someone
like your mother here to keep him in line."
    "Stop that, J.T." Ruth swatted his arm.
"Allison's friend here'll think you're crazy."
    "No ma'am.” Brett smiled at the older couple.
“He’s probably just thanking you for making sure he didn't have a heart attack
tonight, too."
    "That's right, Ruth.” He patted his flat
stomach. “You listen to the boy."
    "All right, Mother, Dad. You can stop
    "So what do you do, Brett?" J.T. nodded
his head in Brett's direction.
    Would he answer? Allison looked up expectantly.
    "My daughter and I moved here in June from
Arlington, Virginia. You know, the Washington, DC area. And we're still getting
    That’s not what he asked, Brett. Allison narrowed
her eyes slightly. Answer the question.
    Linking his hands together, Brett leaned forward
in his chair, resting his elbows on his knees. "But I've started a little
business at home."
    Allison's eyes opened with interest. Now we’re
getting somewhere.
    Brett nodded to J.T. "What kind of business
are you in, Mr. Hill?"
    Drat. He did it again. Smoothly switching subjects
to avoid talking about his work. She glanced over to her eager to explain
    "J.T. Call me J.T." He rubbed his palms
down the tops of his faded jeans. "My four sons and I have an auto repair
shop. Yeah, I've been a mechanic ever since I got out of the army back in
    "What kind of cars do you work on?” Brett
slipped to the edge of his chair. “Domestic? Foreign?"
    "Domestic mostly. Not much into those foreign
jobs." J.T. rubbed his narrow chin. "But my boys think we should
expand. Why I was just saying the other day..."
    "Dad, I'm sure Brett's not interested in your
plans for the shop."
    Brett lay a hand on her shoulder. "Actually
I'm very interested." He looked back at her dad. "I've been restoring
a 1957 Thunderbird convertible and I could use some expert help."
    "Fine car there, Brett.” J.T. bobbed his head
up and down. “Fine car. I'd be glad to help you out. You need some parts? Body
    "A little of everything. This is my first
effort at a restoration."
    Allison stared at Brett. His face grew animated as
he talked. More tidbits, she thought, but still not the whole story on this
man. Her mind re-focused when she realized everyone had stopped talking and
they were staring at her.
    "What?" She looked from Brett to her
    "You'll give Brett here directions to the
shop won't you?" Ruth repeated.
    "Sure. Of course." She turned to face
Brett. "You're going to the shop?"
    "Absolutely." Brett rubbed his hands
together. "Your father's expertise is just what I need."
    "Well you come on out anytime."
    Her mother pushed herself off the sofa and held a
hand out to her husband. "Let’s go J.T. We've still got a bit of a drive
ahead of us."
    "But you just got here." Allison
untangled her long legs and stood. Her mother was up to something, they never
dropped in for just a few minutes.
    "We just stopped in to say hello." Ruth
followed her husband out the room. "We were down near MacDill Air Force
base and this was on our way home." She motioned to Brett. "Don't you
get up now. We'll see you soon."
    "You can count on it," Brett called out.
    “He’s quite a looker,” Ruth whispered in Allison’s
ear as she gave her a hug by the front door.
    “Come on, Ruth, leave Allison alone.”
    “You have a good time, honey.” Her mother’s laugh
trailed behind her as she grabbed J.T.’s arm and kissed his cheek.
    "Time for your bath, Kelly." Stopping at
the door to the family room, Allison looked at her watch.
    "Mom." Kelly groaned and rolled to her
back on the floor. "It's Saturday."
    "And it's late." Allison

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