Thinking of You

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Book: Thinking of You by Jill Mansell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jill Mansell
it?” Perry looked genuinely bewildered. “I didn’t realize.” He paused, then said eagerly, “But it doesn’t matter, because you won’t have any problems with Laurel. As soon as I met you, I knew the two of you would get on brilliantly. You’re just the kind of person Laurel needs.”
    Ginny wanted to yell, “This isn’t about what somebody else needs, you idiot; it’s about what I need.”
    â€œOh, and I’ve brought the references. You don’t have anything to worry about with Laurel.” Perry withdrew a couple of envelopes from his pocket. “She’s honest, tidy, considerate—everything you could want in a housemate.”
    This was all going so desperately, horribly wrong that Ginny was struggling to think straight. She wished Gavin could be here to back her up because right now she appeared to be the only one who thought there was anything amiss. Except if Gavin were here, he’d be too busy laughing his socks off at the mess she’d managed to get herself into. Ha, that was what happened when you got carried away and were silly enough to think someone might actually find you attractive.
    â€œBesides,” Perry went on, “you did advertise for a female to share with. That was what you really wanted.”
    â€œSo why didn’t Laurel phone up the other night? Why didn’t she come round to see the house herself?”
    He sighed and refilled his glass with champagne. Offered the bottle to Ginny, who shook her head.
    â€œLaurel was happy to carry on sleeping on my sofa. Finding somewhere else to live wasn’t a priority as far as she was concerned. To be honest she’s been a bit down lately. She broke up with her boyfriend last summer and things haven’t been easy for her since then. She lost her job in London. Her ex-boyfriend met someone else and got engaged, which didn’t help. Laurel was pretty fed up. I told her she should move out of the city and the next thing I knew, she’d turned up on my doorstep.” Perry paused, shrugged. “Well, it was fine for a few days. It was great to see her again. Except she’s decided she wants to stay in Portsilver now and my flat really isn’t big enough for the two of us.”
    â€œSo move to a bigger flat.”
    â€œOh, Ginny, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to spring this on you. But I’m used to living on my own. I like my own space. And when I met you, I just thought how fantastic you were, so chatty and bubbly, and I knew you’d be perfect for Laurel. Sharing a house with you is just what she needs to perk her up again.”
    Ginny shook her head. This wasn’t supposed to be happening; it wasn’t what she wanted. And she was going to have to tell him.
    â€œThe thing is, I—”
    â€œLook, you’ll have a great time with Laurel.” Perry gazed at her. “And much as I’d like to be the one moving in here, that could never happen.”
    â€œWhy couldn’t it?” Ginny rubbed her aching temples; she didn’t understand why not.
    His eyes crinkled at the corners. “Come on, you must know the answer to that one. You’re gorgeous. How could I live in this house when I fancy the landlady rotten? That would be… God, that would be impossible.”
    Oh. Ginny hadn’t been expecting this. Talk about a bolt from the blue. So he did find her attractive.
    â€œSorry, was that a bit sudden?” Perry’s smile was rueful. “Have I scared you witless?”
    â€œNo, no…”
    â€œI’m usually a bit more subtle. But you did ask. If I’m honest, I’ve been sitting here wondering if you’d consider coming out to dinner with me next week. But who knows if I’ll have the courage to ask you?” He pulled a wry face and said, “It’s a scary thing, you know, being a man. We always have to run the risk of inviting someone out and

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