still got quite a bit of ground to cover, but…hmm… Well, we’ll just have to leave it at this for today. After all, I am a busy lady. I can’t just play around with you scum all day.” Wiping her blood-soaked hands on Mohawk’s jacket, Kurumiya, who had carried out the sadistic lesson with frightening enthusiasm, looked tired.
Flinging the filthy blazer aside, she took a few idle golf swings with the iron pipe at the pixelated mass lying on the floor—the shuddering wreck that had been Mohawk. Once his eyes had rolled back and he’d stopped moving, she finally turned away, allowing the medical team waiting on standby to scoop the unrecognizable figure onto a stretcher and shuffle him away.
“…Well, then. It is now four o’clock. Class time will be over before you know it. Change your clothes and assemble on the sports field by six o’clock. From there, you’ll do physical labor until nightfall. Healthy minds dwell in healthy bodies…so instead of extracurricular activities, you’ll work correctional duty twice a day, morning and night. Be sure to attend! Strict punctuality is expected. Got it?”
In response to Kurumiya’s words, the class collectively responded in an energetic voice, “Yes, ma’am!” The hellish torture show had planted a sense of terrified loyalty in every one of them.
“Heh-heh-heh…good answer. Well, then, see you later.” Nodding in satisfaction, she took her pile of handouts under one arm. “…Hmm? I feel like I’m forgetting something important, but…oh well. Right now,I feel like going straight back to the staff room and having a drink. I think I’ll go for a milk shake and egg shortbread cookies.”
Did she say milk shake and egg shortbread cookies? That’s strangely cute.
“…No, wait a second. I can’t discount the chocolate chip cookies…hmm, hmm…” Thinking with her chin in her hand, Kurumiya left the classroom.
“I-I’m s-saaaaaaved!” Kyousuke shouted as soon as she was gone, throwing himself down over his desk. His whole body felt weak. “That’s what they call a narrow escape… I thought I was done for.”
The “something important” that Kurumiya had forgotten was, of course, Kyousuke’s “discipline.” After watching her demonstrate so many cruel methods of torment, one after the other, with no other thought than that he was next, Kyousuke finally took a moment to relax.
“…Isn’t that great, Kyousuke? You were saved by that birdbrain.”
“Yeah, you’re right…I’m still alive now thanks to him.” Kyousuke almost felt like he should have some words of gratitude toward Mohawk, who had unknowingly helped him out of his predicament.
Farewell, Mohawk, thank you, Mohawk. At least, rest in peace…
“…Well? What are you planning to do now, Kyousuke?” asked Eiri.
Kyousuke leaned forward and thought about it. “Now? Well, come to think of it, it’s after school right? I wonder…” After the end of fifth period, they had a full two hours before manual labor began. Each student was free to spend this rest time as they liked. As long as they assembled on time and in their work jerseys, no one cared where they went or what they did. Kyousuke had a hard time imagining what to do with his free time.
“…Say, isn’t that the guy? The butcher who killed twelve people?”
An unfamiliar male voice spoke from the hallway.
Kyousuke felt the blood drain from his face as the corridor erupted into noise.
I’ve got a bad feeling about this.
He turned to face the door.
“Huh?! Look at his eyes…so intense! I thought my heart was gonna stop just now!”
“Hey, I told you not to do that! You’ll be killed! Come here and kneel down with a mind to die!!”
“You mean,
’s responsible for that pool of blood? And the door’s busted in, too…”
“Aah, how cool…I want to kill him. And then eat him…I’ll make a stew.”
“No! The one who’s going to take him down and eat him is me! ME! My left arm, Azrael, is