Kindred (Book 1 The Kindred Series)

Free Kindred (Book 1 The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens Page B

Book: Kindred (Book 1 The Kindred Series) by Erica Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erica Stevens
“Who?” she managed to croak out, knowing full well who Kara meant.
       Kara grinned at her, her light brown eyes sparkling merrily. “The new guy, the one you’re staring at.”
   Cassie shifted uncomfortably. She hadn’t realized that she had been so overt in her ogling. “Um yeah, he’s ok,” she hedged.
       Kara laughed softly as she flung her backpack higher on her shoulder. Melissa moved over to join them, her gaze steady and intense as she watched Cassie. “You want to go over there with me?” Kara inquired.
       Panic tore through Cassie as she fervently shook her head. “No.”
       Kara shrugged. “Suit yourself.”
       Kara slipped eagerly away to join the growing group of girls surrounding Devon. “You ok?” Melissa asked softly.
       Cassie nodded, though she knew it was a lie. “Fine. I’m going to head inside.”
       “I’ll go with you.”
   Cassie moved slowly away from the tree, wincing as she stepped into the harsh sunlight. She could almost feel her skin burning, her eyes watered as she squinted against the bright light. She left a wide berth around Devon, but she could feel his eyes burning into her as she moved slowly toward the much needed shelter of the school.
       It was going to be another very long, very hard day , and she wasn’t at all prepared for it.
       Devon was growing tired of being avoided. And she w as going well out of her way to avoid him. Though he sat at her lunch table again, she did not return to it. In fact, she didn’t even come into the cafeteria, for three days in a row. He was growing impatient and aggravated with her. Every other girl in the school was throwing themselves at him. It was a fact that he was used to, but he most certainly was not used to women going out of their way to avoid him.
       And that was exactly what Cassie was doing. And she happened to be the only girl in the whole school that he even remotely cared about talking to , and getting closer to. And now , finally, she was back in the cafeteria. He watched as she glided deftly through the crowd with an ease and grace that was captivating and amazing.
       Her hair was a golden shimmer in the harsh light as she moved toward the lunch line. She was unable to move fast as she was accosted by endless people. Though she spoke with everyone, and smiled brightly, he could sense her impatience. He was just as impatient as she was. He wanted her over here, with him, where he could finally try and talk to her again .
       He slid i nto the chair that had become his, tapping his finger impatiently on the table as he waited for Cassie to reappear. People slid in around him, and though they talked to him, he barely acknowledged them as his gaze remained focused on the wall she had disappeared behind. He still didn ’ t understand why he was so captivated with this girl, but he was. He dreamed of her every night, haunting dreams that left him shaken and unfulfilled in the morning. He wanted more of her, he wanted to know what she felt and tasted like. Wanted to know what she would really feel like in his arms, not just what her ghostly dream image felt like.
       “Hello,” he glanced over at Marcy , nodding briefly as she slid in to the seat next to him and lean ed annoyingly close.
       Devon shifted slightly, wanting to get further away from her. He knew he had a large group of admirers now; there was nothing that he could do about that, but Marcy was by far the most persistent and overt. She moved closer to him, her small hand dropp ed on to his arm. Cocking an eyebrow he turned slowly toward her, trying hard not to lose his patience with the cling y girl.
       She smiled brightly back at him, her leaf green eyes twinkling merrily. She chose to completely ignore the impatience radiating from him. “Are you going to come to B’s and S’s tonight?”

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