The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV]

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Book: The High Queen's Vow [The Mystic Women of The Realm Series Book IV] by Robbie Collins Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robbie Collins
    Sele’ thought hard on this for a moment, “Then you best help, Healer, as my youngness yet makes me overly energetic. I have no such control as this, yet."
    The Healer began to go to her High Queen, then suddenly thought better of it, “Young One. I will be returned quickly. Wait for me."
    She turned back to Ann'wn and saw that she was rising to leave. She called to her, “Force Leader."
    Ann'wn turned to her, surprised, “Healer? Is something wrong?"
    She stood before her, staring at her, then suddenly placed both her hands on Ann'wn's cheeks, kissing her fully. As quickly, she turned and went to Sele’ and her High Queen.
    Ann'wn stared for a moment, once again surprised, then walked away to other affairs. If anyone had bothered to look, they would have seen a smile upon her face.
    The Healer and Sele’ kept The High Queen within her second meditation until the final preparation of Be'rn's now dead form. Sle'nel’ continued to watch the turn's proceedings, yet wondering who San'lr'in’ truly was, as she was certainly more than just High Queen.
    In having helped her sister, Sam was now fully aware of what it took to use her powers, and motivated to learning more of them while they waited. Ann'wn also watched the morn pass, watching The Healer as it did so, wondering if The Healer could feel for her what she knew she felt for The Healer. The five sorcerers used the moments to prepare for the funeral, collecting the wood needed for it.
    By midmorn, Ann'wn's forces and the sorcerers had prepared Be'rn’ for her Great Master's funeral. The Healer and Sele’ were told that all was now in-readiness, so began to bring The High Queen back into The Realm.
    Returning from her meditations, The High Queen looked around, sighing. It had been a long two-turns, but much more now faced them. She saw that the funeral was prepared, but also saw the rising of dust in the distance, from approaching riders.
    To no one in particular, she softly said, “They come."
    Ann'wn had heard her, “Who, Highness?"
    "The Masters."
    "But what if these be the traitors?"
    She looked at Ann'wn briefly, then turned back to the growing image of the Masters, “It is their due, by all the Masters’ vow. Have My sword and crown brought to Me, Force Leader."
    "My Queen, I cann—"
    Very softly, she repeated, “Bring them."
    "Yes, my Queen."
    The High Queen remained standing, watching the riders come nearer. Ern'seln’ came and stood close to her.
    The High Queen felt Ern'seln's presence, “They come for The Great Third Master's funeral, Master-Apprentice."
    "Yes, Highness, but I wish them not to come. They are not worthy of this, and they fought against my Birth-Mother."
    "Place your feelings aside. Think only of your Birth-Mother, these moments."
    "I wish not—"
    "It is a command, Ern'seln'."
    The High Queen's tone was nothing Ern'seln’ wished to hear, and she was now sorry she had pushed her Queen, “Yes, Master. To your will."
    San'lr'in’ well knew the patience this would take from both her and Ern'seln', especially if the ones who now came were The Realm's traitors, yet she also well knew that a Master's funeral was to be attended by all the Masters, as possible, and as solemnly vowed. She watched closely, wondering who now came. She saw that there appeared to be two separate groups, each with their swords raised against the other.
    Ann'wn had brought The High Queen's sword to her, as well as an attendant to place on her crown. As the strangers approached the funeral site, San'lr'in’ saw that the Masters hadn't yet fought each other, but were prepared to do so as they dismounted. But they saw her first.
    They dismounted, each group keeping a wary eye upon the other group. Eanna and her group of eight Masters went up to The High Queen, then knelt and bowed their heads, “High Queen."
    The group of seven traitors remained at their horses, neither bowing nor kneeling to The High Queen. Eanna turned back to Ll'strin'll, “You

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