Beauty and the Beast (Erotic Fairy Tales)

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Book: Beauty and the Beast (Erotic Fairy Tales) by Nicole Dreadful Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nicole Dreadful
curve of her hips, the firm, round bottom. "Turn around," he whispered, and she did, her hands straying now towards her breasts, now towards the soft, honey colored mound between her legs, caught between shyness and obedience to her new husband.

    Even the memory made him weak in the knees; he caught at the doorframe and looked around. There was no one to see, but he hesitated to make a mess on this fine bed. He returned to what he'd begun to think of as his room. The remains of the last meal had been cleared away, but there was a glass and a decanter of wine on the table now, and a soft linen napkin. He settled down in the chair and unbuckled his pants as he slipped back into the memory.

    He stared until she began to blush in earnest beneath his wandering gaze. It occurred to him that she was surely as ignorant of the shape of a man as he was of her body. His cock throbbed, eager to make her acquaintance, and he undressed, trying not to rush. Her hands had stopped their fluttering; now they rested on her stomach, below her round breasts, as she watched him through her long lashes. He felt he might blush himself, but he held her gaze as he removed his clothing. Perhaps her eyes widened as he untangled his stiff cock from his trousers, letting it jut out from the dark tangle of curly hair.
    She came to him when he was naked, and would have laid on the bed straight away, but he caught at her hands and held her in front of him. Her nipples were long; they grazed against his chest as they stood face to face. The touch was sweet fire, sending heat coursing through his body.
    "Ellen," he said, when he found his voice. He was about to tell her she was beautiful, that he would always be a good husband to her, when his hard cock grazed against the softness of her thigh and she jumped.
    "He can hardly wait, my soldier, to meet you," he said, and earned a shy smile from her. He put his hand down to stroke her thigh, the silken skin, and then to gently hold his cock, directing her gaze downward. "He's been standing at attention all night."
    Now she reached with one tentative hand to touch him. Her light fingers sparked the heat as easily as her nipples against his skin. He felt it radiating from his groin as she hesitantly wrapped her hand around the warm shaft. His wife--he rolled the new phrase around in his mind--touching his cock. A moan of pleasure escaped his lips and she pulled away, looking at him. Her lips parted, had she done him some wrong?
    His passion--no, he had the wisdom of years now to truly label it--his lust swept away his resolve to be gentle, to not frighten her, and he pushed her onto the bed. Her pert breasts pooled and flattened on her chest and he bent forward to suck on one distended nipple as he pressed her legs apart. She cried out as he pushed into the softness of her, as he sent his soldier into the field to claim her, to plant the pennant that would become Elliot.

    He slept, then, and dreamed of his wife. Eight children she had born him, though only six survived, and she had followed the eighth into the next world. His dreams turned to his children, and he woke with their names on his lips.
    He had been away from his family too long, the merchant thought. Today he would leave this place, wondrous though it might be. His horse would be well rested; they would return to the road and discover their way home. Thus resolved, he ate the breakfast which had appeared before him and prepared to depart.

    The Merchant and the Beast

    As he led his horse through the gardens he remembered Beauty's request. It was not difficult to find a rose bush with several scarlet blossoms amongst the trees and shrubberies of the lush grounds. Mindful of the journey ahead, he chose a small bud, as yet unopened, and used his knife to free it.
    As he tucked the blade back into his belt, there was a thundering rumble. His horse shied in fright, rearing and slashing at the air with his hooves. The merchant turned to soothe

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