Dreamer (The Seeker Series Book 2)

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Book: Dreamer (The Seeker Series Book 2) by Amy Reece Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Reece
cheerleader. That’s great. I played football in high school.” Brian was definitely trying to change the subject for my mother’s benefit.
    “Did you go to high school here in Albuquerque?”
    “No, I grew up in southern California, in Anaheim, actually.”
    “Wow. Did you go to Disneyland all the time?” I asked.
    He chuckled a bit. “Not all the time, but probably a lot more than your average person. Have you been?”
    “Once. Grams took us when I was 8. It was magical,” I sighed. “But I think I would be able to appreciate it better now. I think we should definitely go this summer to celebrate my graduation. Hint, hint.”
    “I thought your mom said you were a junior?”
    “I am, but I’m graduating a year early.”
    “Oh, so you’re a smart kid, huh?” he asked, smiling, but in a nice way.
    “More of smart ass, actually,” Grams interjected. “So, you’re a homicide detective, Brian? It sounds fascinating, yet morbid. How do you stand dealing with death every day?”
    “Well, I don’t really think of it like that. I think of it as bringing justice and closure to families.”
    “So, what kinds of cases have you worked? Anything we might have heard of?” Grams continued her interrogation. Brian might want to consider recruiting her.
    “Well, I can’t really talk about any active investigations, but I worked the case of the couple who were found in the trunk of the burned-out car a couple years ago. The guy got sentenced last month.”
    “Ugh, what a horrible case,” my mom sighed. “Those poor people.”
    Brian reached over and took her hand in a sweet way. I was liking this guy; he seemed to treat my mom well. “And I recently picked up the Ashley Hayes case, which I’m sure you’ve heard about since it’s been all over the news lately.”
    “That’s the body they found a few weeks ago up by Sandia Man Cave, isn’t it?” Grams asked.
    “Yeah. It was a missing persons case, a thirty year-old cold case, until a hiker and his dog stumbled across her remains. I was assigned to it yesterday. It should be very interesting.”
    Where had I heard that name before? It sounded very familiar to me, but I couldn’t think where I had heard it. It felt like a bell or something went off in my head, like I was supposed to remember something, but it was just out of reach. Well, this was going to bug me until I figured it out.
    “So, Brian, tell us about yourself. How old are you? Have you ever been married? Do you have any children?” Grams continued. I could see my mother seething, but she was powerless to stop her mother from grilling the new boyfriend. It was actually enjoyable to watch when it wasn’t a guy I had brought home. I had to admire my grandmother’s chutzpah.
    Brian seemed to have been forewarned, because he cast my mom an amused look before launching into his answers. “Well, ma’am, I’m 42. I was married once, briefly, when I was barely out of college, and I don’t have any children.”
    “Oh, so you’re divorced?”
    “No, ma’am. I’m a widower. My wife died of a brain tumor,” he said quietly. This time Mom reached over to take his hand.
    “Oh, I’m so sorry, Brian,” Grams apologized. “I didn’t mean to pry.”
    I choked a bit on a bite of bread. The day my grandmother didn’t mean to pry would be a cold day in hell.
    We rounded out the dinner with a beautiful tiramisu, which my mom certainly didn’t make except on the most special of occasions. She was going all out to impress this guy, which I guess I understood after meeting him. He seemed pretty great. As we were getting started on dessert, the doorbell rang again.
    “That’s Jack,” I said. “We’re going to get started on our online classes tonight.” I got up to let him in.
    “Well, bring him in for dessert. There’s plenty,” Mom assured me.
    I introduced him to Brian and they hit it off right away, discussing the latest NBA scores. I think Brian was relieved to have a momentary escape

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