April Raintree

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Book: April Raintree by Beatrice Mosionier Read Free Book Online
Authors: Beatrice Mosionier
Tags: book, FIC019000
Maggie came down after everyone else was seated. Maggie wore a sleeveless dress to show off all the bruises and scratches she had received. Ricky had also dressed for the occasion.
    As they expected, their mother noticed their appearances right away. “What happened now? Did you two get into a fight?”
    Maggie turned the tears on, so Ricky explained. “April and Cheryl were teasing the bull this morning and we tried to make them stop so they beat us up.”
    Before Mrs. DeRosier could turn on us, Mr. DeRosier spoke up in a quiet voice. “Now try telling the truth for a change. The tractor broke down this morning. I came back for some parts. You didn’t see me, did you, Maggie and Ricky? But I saw you. And what you tried to do. You’re both darn lucky I didn’t have time to get to you first.”
    â€œAre you calling my children liars?” Mrs. DeRosier asked him angrily.
    â€œThey’re worse than liars! What they did this morning could have gotten Cheryl killed. What the hell’s the matter with you? You three make me sick!” He slammed his fist on the table and silenced Mrs. DeRosier from saying any more. After a minute, he got up and stormed out of the house. Raymond and Gilbert looked lost. Even though they had barely begun to eat, they got up and left after him.
    The rest of us finished our meal in silence. Mrs. DeRosier told Cheryl and me to go to our room when we finished the dishes. I knew she wasn’t going to let this go by without doing something but I kept this worry to myself.
    On Monday, Mrs. DeRosier kept Maggie home from school. When we got off the bus that evening, Maggie was in her good clothes and it looked as if they had gone somewhere. She looked gleeful and triumphant. She whispered to Ricky and they went into the living room, laughing.
    At the beginning of the summer holidays, about a month after the incident, I was in the house one morning when I noticed a car enter the driveway and saw that it was Miss Turner. Then it hit me. Miss Turner was here to take Cheryl away. Of course, that’s what their secret had been. That’s why we had never been punished. I panicked. I couldn’t be separated from Cheryl again! I just couldn’t! But what could I do to stop it? Nothing! Except…except run away with Cheryl! But where could we go? Cheryl was outside somewhere. I didn’t stop to think what we would take. I just ran out the kitchen door and looked around the farmyard. I saw Cheryl coming towards the house. Ricky and Maggie were still upstairs, sleeping. I heard Mrs. DeRosier calling for Cheryl from the other side of the house. I ran towards Cheryl and urged her to duck behind a building.
    â€œCheryl, Miss Turner is here. I’m sure she’s come to take you away.” I was shaking. I was glad to see that Cheryl had her jacket on.
    â€œApril, I don’t want to go away from you. They told me I’d never see you again.”
    â€œI know, Cheryl. We are going to run away. Right now.”
    I looked around the corner of the building. There was nobody in sight. We ran across the open grain field as fast as we could, trying to keep low. When we were into the safety of the woods, I said, “We’re going to Winnipeg. I’m sure I know the way there. We’ll just follow along the roads through the fields. When we get there, I’ll try to find the Dions. I’m sure they’ll help us. I know Mrs. Semple. She’ll just believe whatever DeRosier tells her. Okay?”
    Cheryl nodded, and we started on our journey. I had no idea how far it was or how long it would take. We followed alongside Highway 200, the same way we went to Winnipeg by car. We walked all that day, ducking low in the tall grasses in the ditch whenever we saw or heard a car. Sometimes, we walked through nearby woods. Once, we saw a car moving slowly and when it came closer we saw that it was an RCMP car. I knew they were looking for us.

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